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Dehumanize Your Friends!

Hey! DYF is broken and unfinished. You should check out CardCast instead: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cardcastgame.android.app&hl=en
- it even works on iOS, unlike this piece of junk.
Dehumanize Your Friends! is a basic party game for horrible people. The objective of the game is to respond to a question or statement that has had a certain word or phrase removed by playing one of the cards in your hand that contains a different random word or phrase. The idea is to make the worst combination possible, something that would make your mother want to never speak to you again.

If you still want to try it out, here's how. The game will start when enough players have joined the session and pressed their ready buttons (the game currently requires 2 players to start, but you really need at least 3 players to start having fun.) A 'King' is chosen, they're assigned to read the card on display for all to hear
- preferably in a dramatic manner, and they're also the player that will ultimately choose the best answer after reading all submissions. All other players are given the chance to submit a card for consideration. After all players have submitted a white card, the czar chooses the best answer and awards the player that played it 1 Super Mega Point.

Dehumanize Your Friends! is a card game engine to play popular games such as Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples on your chromecast device. Cards Against Humanity is available at cardsagainsthumanity.com, where you can buy it or download and print it out yourself. It is distributed under a Creative Commons
- Attribution
- Noncommercial
- Share Alike license. This android application is in no way endorsed or sponsored by the fine folks at cardsagainsthumanity.com.

Category : Card

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Reviews (25)

A. G. u. Mar 22, 2015     

This is full of so many shocking bugs I assume it must have been done intentionally. At first I thought this app must have been written drunk and never tested, but after playing for a while I realized the amount of attention put into the bugs, clearly it's intentionally. A lot of time and effort was put into making this work as poorly as possible. Kudos.

Nik. b. Jan 18, 2015     

Doesnt have wide variety of cards and answers, people had put the same answer up at the same time. Kept booting us off. Doesn't shuffle answer cards when put up on the screen. So u know who puts up the last cards. It is a fun game cuz u can have 7 people playing at once, on the tv. Please fix these things. I do like this game.

Jod. T. May 12, 2014     

1) allow the card king to flip individual cards over and display that card in large format on the screen. 2) there needs to be sound cue's to indicate something is happening on screen. 3) cards are not displayed to the card king until all players have played and they are displayed to him in a random order. 4) there needs to be an optional timer.

Kyl. G. Oct 22, 2014     

The game is great, and looks every much like Cards Against Humanity and is very fun. There is just a few bugs, like misspelled words, too much text for the winning card on the chromecast display, and the game keeps going even after reaching the target score. These are just a few minor bugs that make the game a bit weird to play, othdr than that its very great. Thanks for making a great Cards Against Humanity alternative.

Kev. M. Apr 20, 2014     

Want to say I enjoy the app, think you've done a great job and really shows what the chromecast could be moving forward (great way to have group game nights without lugging a lot of cards etc). Area's I'd suggest improving: ( 1. ) Let the card king flip over the cards on the screen one by one rather than all at once. Part of the funny / fun of CaH is reading the answers outloud. When you flip everything over at once everyone just reads the screen and doesn't talk. ( 2 ). Let the card king build up suspense on who will win by allowing them to X out the non-winning cards. ( 3 ) Small tweaking on interface for length of text / size of box. This made things distracting when things didn't fit. ( 4 ) For small groups add in the option of having a ghost player or two that puts in random answers, maybe also make it a popular vote option? ( 5. ) For the innocents in the group maybe a quick search box for urban dictionary?

Jus. D. Jul 5, 2014     

Requires one more device than there are players, as the king device cannot be used to play with the current implementation. That would be fine, except my 3rd tablet (ICS 4.0.4) doesn't show a cast icon for DYF. It does for all other apps I've tried. Fix this and I'll rerate, once we can play a game.

Sam. K. May 31, 2014     

I played this game last night with 4 others for a bit and then a 5th person arrived for a total of 6 players including me. With 5 players the game kept bugging out and people were getting dropped from the game and it was getting messed up. When we added a 6th player things worked great for about an hour or so until it all just crashed. Devices in use were: Nexus 5 3 HTC One M7s Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Lg Gpad Google play edition. When the game worked we had a blast. Fix those bugs and it would he amazing.

Pau. R. Jul 2, 2014     

It doesn't parse the card data properly (for example italics tags are visible), there are text encoding issues (apostrophes are not displayed correctly), and some card descriptions are too long for the cards displayed on the TV. Good fun, but needs some polish.

Ver. H. Jun 25, 2016     

1-Preset winning does not work. 2-cards repeat WAY too frequently. Played 3 times today & had 8 cards repeat 2 times. 3-spelling and goofiness of symbols, apostrophes and italic print is irritating. However my group of 6 liked it 200% better than the cardcrap app even though it had no errors or repeat cards at all was voted glitchy and had a disconnect with the q&a.*also i noticed an extreme amount of people leaving feedback that have no clue it a REMOTE app used ONLY with cromecast tv device sold separate

Dan. Jan 18, 2015     

I had a blast with about 7 of us playing. Still a lot of glitches that we noticed but I know you're probably working on it because its such a new app. Keep on working on it. If you would like a list of glitches then respond to this review. We wrote a lot down and would love to share with the developer. Its gonna be a hit I'm sure of. Thanks

Dam. Dec 15, 2014     

I can't even play it just edit my name like ther is no bubble on resume game like in the pic on my Samsung glaxey s5 waste of time I even uninstalled it and then restalled it. 👎👎👎👎💩👎💩💩

Bra. R. Jun 23, 2014     

It works well enough but there are a multitude of buds and typos. Also, there should be a way to set a goal for the score. And I miss the cards with two blanks. I wouldn't think it'd be that hard to code it to for that.

A. G. u. May 31, 2014     

The biggest problem is that a lot of the answer cards have to much text to fit on the card so you can't read everything. Second is that even though there are Sooo many cards a lot of stuff gets repeated very frequently.

Dis. Jan 23, 2015     

Stuck on the main screen and all I can do is alter my player name. Uninstalled and reinstalled and same thing. This needs to be fixed because its unplayable.

Bri. G. Feb 12, 2015     

Downloaded it all it says is customise character or w/e then says resume game nothing works plz fix

woo. Oct 8, 2014     

I love the fact that i can play with my friends, but my only gripe is that the card randomization needs ALOT of work, in one game, using 4 expansions and the core game, we kept seeing repeats on the question cards, and the answers as well, i often had 2 of the same answer cards in my hand at a time.....

Bec. M. Mar 16, 2015     

Can't open the game on S3. Only lets you edit your username. Super mad cause I wanted to be able to play the game. Fix the major bugs and the raitings will skyrocket.

Ada. H. Jul 3, 2014     

The worst thing I can say about this game is that its cards are poorly spell checked. It would also be nice if some of the add-on decks had a brief description to help decide which ones to use.

Jes. M. Jun 7, 2015     

This game won't play on my phone; pretty disappointed.

Seb. D. Jul 21, 2014     

It's a great app, it would be nice if you could make your own cards to be locally stored and then those will be divided within each game you play as well though. I also wish you could play like online, or with your friends while they're at home, from their own tv. Does that make sense?

Pam. W. Mar 15, 2015     

Like many others here, I couldn't enter the game. I was only able to edit player name, so frustrating.

Mel. P. Jan 3, 2015     

Awesome! Friends and I played this last night and had so much fun. The only issue I found was cards not being big enough to fit longer texts. The text would run onto cards below when selecting one to play, and wouldn't be completely visible on the TV.

And. Jun 6, 2014     

I'm not sure why but I have noticed that sometimes it kicks you out and sometimes it decides to not let certain players be the uh "king". The game does not end when you reach the number set at the beginning either.

Zac. M. Aug 19, 2014     

My friends and I love this game, but would love to be able to also have an option for a clean version for different groups of people.

Bo. N. Sep 7, 2014     

Game works pretty much the same as the "real thing" but there are a few annoying bugs. Nothing that gets in the way of playing a round, though. Also some typos in a few of the questions. Finally, and most importantly, the Chromecast screen needs to be less static. Having white squares on a black background in the same spot for a long time risks permanently damaging plasma TV displays due to burn-in. This isn't a problem on LCD displays but definitely is on plasma.