• Democracy, the free game: Be the president, rule 1
  • Democracy, the free game: Be the president, rule 2
  • Democracy, the free game: Be the president, rule 3
  • Democracy, the free game: Be the president, rule 4

Democracy, the free game: Be the president, rule

In Democracy the free game you rule, you and only you have the power

At your disposal, the president, aka you, has the highest trained people in the country to help him/her carry out a single, but difficult task. Restore the democracy on this nation.

You will be in control of everything, with no exception. And as there are lots of options and we understand you are a busy person, you will have consultants who are willingly going to work for you, filter information for you and most important, they are going to disturb you only when it is really necessary. They will never act on their own, they need you.

But this isn't going to make your task easier, unfortunately. Lots of people have tried, most have failed. But who knows, maybe you are the chosen one...

In the end, manage correctly the scarce resources of a country at war trying to satisfy as many people as possible isn't a simple task. But we believe in you. That is why we gave you the control over us, over our nation, over our lives.

Would you be able to restore democracy? That's the question. We trust in you, president.

Category : Strategy

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Reviews (14)

Car. E. May 13, 2021     

First of all, the word "rule" in the tittle implies an impocrocy Wich is contradictory to democracy Wich was also in the tittle. I admired the in-app purchases and ads notification as it gives you a heads up of the following gameplay expirience. On the contrarry, the music was a bit loud even when I turned my volume down and It was quite indirect at first.

A. G. u. Nov 9, 2019     

It keeps crashing You need to rethink the card system. It is not accessible to screenreaders otherwise its a great game

A. G. u. Jun 17, 2019     

neat concept, but it's buggy, the english is flawed, and there is no explanation for why you lose when you lose.

A. G. u. Aug 8, 2019     

took less than a minute to find the first grammatical error.

A. G. u. Apr 6, 2019     

Great technical support, interesting game.

Yay. 6. Feb 7, 2021     

Real buggy and confusing but i can see some potenial.

A. G. u. May 4, 2019     

The game is creative and interesting. I enjoyed so much playing this game.

A. G. u. Jan 6, 2020     

Very glitchy. Is this an accidentally released prototype or something?

A. G. u. Jun 4, 2019     

great game cant wait for future updates.

A. G. u. Sep 10, 2019     

It could be better, and there are few options on decisions

A. G. u. Feb 17, 2020     

Not so good at all while needs more improvement.

A. G. u. Oct 28, 2019     

How do you win? I went 5 years as president before I lost

A. G. u. Mar 12, 2020     

Gd but need development

A. G. u. Jun 19, 2019     

One the most confusing ones I've ever tried. Full of bugs the text goes off screen