• Design Cross Stitch Pattern 1
  • Design Cross Stitch Pattern 2

Design Cross Stitch Pattern

Cross Stitich is one type of embroidery that wears crosslinked threads (forming the letter X) on a parallel woven fabric. The technique of stitching in the form of the letter X is called cross stitch (cross stitch), so it is popularly known as "cross stitch".

Craft products are embroidered with drawings for decorative clothes, home furnishings, or wall hangings. Cricket image design can be emulated from a book containing patterns of motive or design results themselves.
The thread used is cotton or rayon embroidery. The needle for kruistik is a tipped blind tapestry needle with large needle eye to pass several strands of thread at a time.

Kruistic fabrics are cloths that have boxes (holes) of the same size, horizontal as well as vertical. Therefore, the stitches look like square patterns of the same size.
Types of fabrics common to kruistik are fabric strimin, aida cloth, and linen. Aida fabrics have boxes per inch that can be calculated: 8, 11, 14, 16, and 18 boxes per inch. One box means one stitch that makes the letter X. The number of strands of yarn for one stitch depends on the size of the fabric and the taste. Cross cushion in aida cloth 11 boxes per inch for example, wearing 3 strands of yarn, while in fabric aida 14 wear 2 strands of yarn.

Category : Art & Design

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Reviews (4)

Anu. D. Dec 25, 2020     

Can not open it as it is showing network error again and again. Please help me how to work with it.

Ram. D. Jan 6, 2020     

Not what I am looking for Show me the pattern and the DMC numbers

Hol. C. Jan 2, 2021     

Could not open to use.

Wit. A. Feb 10, 2018     

It says DESIGN a cross stitch but it only let's you choose one on the app