• DIY Crochet Tutorials 1
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  • DIY Crochet Tutorials 4

DIY Crochet Tutorials

The number of people looking for how to crochet instructions has increased. In fact, the age gap of crochet enthusiast has decreased since it is no longer viewed as a grandmother's hobby. People of all ages including males are taking part. The internet possibly helped renewed internet in needlework. The internet isn't without a variety of how to crochet videos and tutorials.

Before you learn how to crochet, you may wish to know some history. The word 'crochet' came from the French word meaning hook. It involves making fabric by pulling loops through loops. Like most types of needlework, the origins are a bit sketchy. Not many ancient pieces survived. One theory suggest crochet didn't exist before the 1800's and another suggests it may have existed as early as the 1500's.Scholars argue whether crochet arrived from China, Arabia, or South America.

An early needlecraft form called tambouring represents modern crochet. Tambouring was made with cloth with the same crochet stitches. Maybe that's how the pieces thousands of years ago were made. It was soon discovered that the stitches could stand on their own and crochet in le air was born or crochet. No one knows for sure how long crochet existed or where it originated. Modern crochet as we know it began in the 1800's. Patterns were previously committed to memory and handed down through the generations.

Much has changed about crochet through the years but it is easy to learn. All you need is yarn, hook and a desire to learn. Hooks come in various sizes b1-Q, Q being the largest. When learning how t crochet, a g,H, or I hook is best for beginners since they are easy to hold. Yarn comes in many varieties like 3 ply sport, 2 Ply fingering weight, and 4-Ply worsted weight yarn. Ply indicates thickness or number of strands used to weave the yarn. Worsted weight and sport yarns are good for beginners because they aren't slippery. Novelty yarns are difficult for beginners to use.

Before you crochet, you need to make a slip knot. Wrap the yarn around two fingers twice leaving a tail. Pull one loop through the other loop and tighten. All crochet pieces begin with a chain foundation. Insert the hook through the loop and pull.Repeat for the desired number of chains. Patterns will tell how many chains to make.

The first stitch you will learn is the single crochet. Make fifteen chains for practice. Insert hook in second chain from hook. Wrap yarn around hook which is called a yarn over and pull through. Repeat across and chain one to turn. Make several rows of single crochet. To increase single crochet, make topstitches in one. To decrease, draw up loop in next two stitches. Yarn over and draw through three loops.

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