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Domi Online

The Official Mobile Application of David Oyedepo Ministries International Inc.
- Making available God's word on the go...The Domi Mobile app has been designed with simplicity in mind, we want you to access God's word in media in the fastest way possible
- coupled with our live streaming and DOMI Radio, our goal is to ensure your are daily enriched in the word of Faith.More features will always be added as we explore better ways to present the Word of God in the electronic media

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (29)

Ben. U. Jun 28, 2021     

My church's online mobile App. I use it everyday. My only challenge with this App is that in the middle of transmission, it may just lose audio and go blank indefinitely until I have to refresh the App and or even restart device within which period I would have missed out on the broadcast message. If the App designers could help do something about this, it would be highly appreciate. I will still rate it highly in spite of this lapses. Love it.

Nzu. P. Dec 5, 2019     

WHY DID YOU REMOVE THE ONLINE RADIO ICON IN THE UPDATED APP? PLEASE INCLUDE THE RADIO. IT HELPS A LOT WHEN ONE DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH DATA FOR VIDEO. THANKS. The previous version is far more better than this. Please revert to the old version and let it be. The old version is 98% good already, although it has higher downloading data but that's no problem.

kin. K. Dec 9, 2019     

"since i updated this app, it only works when am connected to Wifi. if i change back to mobile data while still using the app it comtinues to work. but immediately i close the app and open later to use when on mobile it no more works, until i switch 2 WiFi. same issue on every device i've tried". Since I posted the above, there have been several updates for the app, the problem still persist. It can't stream with mobile data, only when on Wi-Fi. This limits mobile access.please look into this

KIN. N. Aug 8, 2021     

I just downloaded this app and it kept telling "seems your offline, check your network connection" while every other app is functioning perfectly well. Please is this the app that captures both mid-week and Sunday service and every other services of the church.

Obe. I. Oct 24, 2019     

The app is very good but since after updating the latest update it stopped working. Each time I open it, it say it can't reach any internet connection while my wifi is on. Pls do something about this. Thanks

Olu. B. S. Jan 6, 2019     

the updated app isn't working on my Samsung tab, the radio or life streaming isn't connecting at all, the older version works perfectly fine but I can't download the old version again

Kem. E. Apr 3, 2020     

This is a very bad app. Not functioning well at all. Developer needs to work more on it. I was happy that I will use it in this lockdown season but it will work for a minute and then stop. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it was still d same.

Fel. u. Feb 24, 2019     

very poor service. the radio and live stream are not working.very frustrating especially when you are set to follow the service. please overhaul the app.

Odo. E. Mar 26, 2020     

So I just downloaded this app which I must confess is an improvement on the former version. Unfortunately some of the features on ios devices are not on android devices. Well like mentioned above, the UI is more attractive on ios, there is no menu on the Android, no testimony and downloads.

Lad. C. Nov 29, 2019     

I just downloaded this app now after lots of search for the official app of the ministry. Now, the app won't even load. I'm on 4G network and yet saying can't access network connection. If there is any thing to be done, pls put this in order before the Shiloh begins pls. I might just go ahead and uninstall this and stick to YouTube.

Eld. M. Jun 23, 2019     

Please the live stream is not working, do ensure to fix this bug. As for the radio it lags intermitently. Thanks.

car. b. Dec 3, 2019     

I installed it, but the live stream never works.... The live radio works for sometimes and goes mute.... I love this app.. So please develop it. Thank you....

Kin. E. Nov 1, 2019     

I'll give one star because the live stream never works, and the radio automatically switches off 30 secs after.

sam. D. Dec 5, 2018     

God bless the developers for this update... But it seems the Radio isn't working... The play button is not displayed

Emi. B. Mar 29, 2020     

It only plays for a while then stops. App have to b restarted b4 working again.. U guiz shud endeavour to fix this..

Red. A. Sep 27, 2021     

It's not working...it keeps telling me that I'm offline while I'm fully connected to the Internet. This bad

Dav. l. Apr 5, 2020     

wonderful feeling love the app.cos its professionalism is accurate as it provides hunger to watch more.

Fat. A. Mar 25, 2020     

Nice one keep it up but i don't kinda understand the way to view online service.

Ayo. M. Dec 4, 2019     

It has been a very interesting app . It does not use too much data and it is very easy to load

ezr. i. May 25, 2020     

Good app but I oftentimes end up using you tube to stream because I cannot connect through the app

Oke. N. Nov 30, 2019     

It has been able to help me stay connected especially these few years that i hadn't been stable at a particular place. I'm able to carry my fellowship with me and join my fellow brethren in worship and service.

Sel. B. Dec 4, 2019     

Total waste of time and data.This App doesn't work,so annoying.

ogu. a. Apr 3, 2020     

I didnt enjoy it at all Always experiencing break in transmission.

Jer. H. Dec 4, 2018     

My team and I did this and its amazing how quick we finish it..

Ebi. M. Feb 7, 2020     

Was not nice both the Radio and live stream keeps hanging.

A. G. u. Dec 8, 2018     

I absolutely love this app, my day is incomplete without it, God bless Papa n d developers!!!!

Ade. J. Dec 16, 2018     

Radio Not working after update.

hen. l. Dec 6, 2019     

Great App. Can you help with a Dominion radio App

Abi. O. Dec 4, 2019     

I love this app because it helps to draw one closer to God