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Down To Lunch

The fastest way to see who’s free to drink, study, gym, party, and more!
THE APP used by thousands of college students at Stanford, Harvard, Duke, Yale, MIT, Princeton, USC and colleges around the world to hang out with their friends!

Hang out with friends instantly!
- Just got out of class? Down to Lunch!
- Thursday nights: Down to Drink!
- Night before the exam: Down to Study!
- Searching for BAE? Down to Chill ;)

The fastest way to hang out with friends! 100x easier than texting everyone! Way better than annoying giant group texts!

Questions? Praise? You down to lunch? Text Nikil from Team DTL at 806-577-2300!


Created by Stanford students and used by students at: Stanford, Harvard, Duke, Yale, MIT, Princeton, UGA, and hundreds of other colleges around the world.

Featured in newspapers at Notre Dame, BYU, UGA, Lee University, University of Rochester, and more.

Featured in TechCrunch and Brit+Co!

More about the Down To Lunch story: imdtl.com/story.html


- Down To Lunch, Chill, Drinks, and much more
- Notify specific groups
- 20x Faster Than Texting
- See which nearby friends want to hang out


Want special "Down To ________" just for your campus? Just text Team DTL!


Quotes from press:

Notre Dame campus newsletter: "Down to Lunch, or DTL for short, exploded onto Notre Dame’s campus at the beginning of the semester."

University of Georgia: "Down To Lunch, a new phone app created to make scheduling lunch dates and other social gatherings easier, has exploded in use across the University of Georgia campus..."

Brigham Young University: "On Friday, Jan. 22 the app Down to Lunch exploded across BYU campus as students downloaded it, signed up and invited friends to join. Down to Lunch is designed to make scheduling lunch dates and other social gatherings more convenient."

Lee University: "A fast, free and easy-to-use app called Down To Lunch (DTL) has started to take off inside the Lee University student body, changing the way people get together."

The Odyssey: "Down to Lunch is an app that sends your friends a notification when you are engaging in an activity and would like company. These activities include breakfast, lunch, dinner, studying, exercising, chilling, and many more! ...within an hour, I transitioned from a skeptic to a devoted user of the Down to Lunch app."

University of Rochester: "After trying [DTL] out, I can honestly say it works really well. One day after class I brought some food to the library to get some work done. Feeling a little lonely, I alerted some friends that I was down to study at the POA. Within twenty minutes, two people showed up. Twenty minutes after that, three more showed up, and we had a successful, spontaneous study session happening. There was no need for awkwardly asking for people to join me, and no negotiating times and locations over text. I just let people know where I was and that I was free, and everything happened naturally."

Category : Social

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Reviews (30)

Hus. N. Mar 12, 2017     

Great App but.. I had a user name on my previous phone, and I want to use it on my new phone but the app says "it's already used" how can I solve that issue??

Sam. B. Aug 10, 2016     

The idea for the app is great, but it requires a critical user mass in order to work. I only have five friends who use it right now, so I really can't do anything unless I want to send out annoying invites to tons of my friends (which I definitely don't, despite the app's constant and annoying nagging for me to do so). I don't really care about the whole points system (except insofar as it places annoying restrictions on the social ideas I can propose—why can't I do something custom, like "Visit LACMA"?); I just want to be able to get meals or hang out with friends.

Ale. F. Aug 4, 2016     

I was confused and ended up putting in the wrong name and it won't let me fix it the idea's really cool but the app could be better. P.S. I downloaded it again and the app is way better now.

Nik. K. Jul 30, 2016     

Guys, this one's great idea and looks like you're listening to your users to improve and that's awesome!

Mic. S. Jul 15, 2016     

It's very convenient

Eas. A. Jul 5, 2016     

Have to wait 30 minutes between dtls and it's impossible to get 5000 trophies. I actually lost trophies some how

A. G. u. Jul 6, 2016     

Love the idea, but it's taking a while to learn the app and interface

day. b. Jun 24, 2016     

It's cool but when I trying to invite my friends to it, it didn't keep the points on😐

Chr. A. Jun 12, 2016     

I know somebody in team DTL and I couldn't wait to try the app out but just the first instructions pages were blurry and the red seemed wrong and I did not enjoy it.

Lui. H. Jun 7, 2016     

I liked it because it helped my and it's like a mint schedule which is great.

Zak. B. May 26, 2016     

It really helps talking to people because with a few clicks, you're done talking to your friends, but it's sometimes really hard concentrate when it's asking you to text a person and you don't even want to text them. Then after you skip them and do something else, it asks you again

Kad. S. Jun 1, 2016     

You can tell friends when you want do a lot of things and tell them when where and why and you can invite the people in your contacts😜😜😝If they join you you get more points to get more things

Tal. m. May 28, 2016     

It really fun to chat with friends and family members u can do so more it's a really fun app

GO. S. T. N. Y. R. P. May 25, 2016     

It's is crap.

Mir. R. May 17, 2016     

This app is so archaic in its design, it feels like it was developed before the prominence of mobile devices.

Tum. 1. May 25, 2016     

This app is wonderful ❣ I can talk to my friends whenever over a text-like app, and tell them what I want to do instantly❣ Five stars all the way. 😉❣

Val. L. May 16, 2016     

My friend wanted to try this app so I ended up using my phone number and her name. Now I have the acount. So I want to change the name to be able to use it but I cant. Every time it tells me to just talk to team DTL and the will fix it. So I tried to do it but its not letting me. I don't know what to do.

Eli. K. May 17, 2016     

Gets to interact with my friends

Pat. D. May 13, 2016     

Kool! Can't wait to use it!

Csa. P. May 13, 2016     

Is it possible to use this from outside the US?

Tia. S. May 13, 2016     

It is cool

JP. H. May 13, 2016     

They fixed the few bugs I had seen except that the "secret code" Facebook share button returns an error once passed to the website... Other than that, seems to be working exactly as expected!

Mas. P. May 12, 2016     

This is lit

Mus. K. May 11, 2016     

I find the idea pretty funny and practical, on the other hand, the app itself looks a bit dumb and as I have no friends registered, I can benefit nothing from it. I also dont really like the idea of registering my phone number. Last but not least, I think it would be fun to.see who is willing to have lunch -as a stranger! It would be a great opportunity for making friends and do networking even on a busy day.

A. G. u. May 3, 2016     

It sends your friends texts saying that you've personally invited them when you haven't. You can look up the news articles about it. It scams you and then goes aftwr your friends by saying that you and other people that they may know are on this app.

Set. W. May 5, 2016     

I liked this app very much. Its does its job very well. It was a smidge confusing at first but once you get the idea of how it flows you be out and about with your friends faster and easier than without the app.

Dav. S. May 5, 2016     

I never gave permission to access my contact list to text message my friends and ask them to join. This is bullshit.

Ziy. B. May 2, 2016     

It's really what we need. We can now just hang out more.

Sav. May 4, 2016     

You have to invite friends just to talk that dumb I mean it okay but still I don't care for it

Lor. D. May 11, 2016     

The idea is great. Registering with phone number and sending sms is out of date, and there is no reason to force it. My contact list is empty. Bad user experience :(