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DS Helpdesk

NOTE:According to the otrs.com, starting with OTRS 5, the iPhoneHandler required to run DS Helpdesk is no longer supported. For the moment DS Helpdesk does not work with OTRS version 5._____________________________________The DS Helpdesk App provides users free and mobile access to the OTRS Help Desk System, from any devices running an Android OS.The application allows remote real-time ticket managing, ensuring a quick response time and user flexibility.DS Helpdesk is an access interface App not build by otrs.com team and we don't want to take any credit for their work.RequirementsIn order for the DS Helpdesk App to comunicate with the OTRS Help-Desk, it requires that the OTRS has the iPhoneHandle package (http://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/packages/iPhoneHandle-1.0.1.opm) installed.DS Helpdesk requires an OTRS 3.x version and the corresponding iPhoneHandle 1.0.Also, an Android device with a 2.1 version or higher is required, along with a high speed internet connection (Wi-Fi or 3G).FeaturesOTRS Views
- displays tickets using different view types: "Queue View", "Status View", "Escalation View"
- allows ticket handling customization, according to users' necessitiesPersonal Tickets
- displays user's tickets grouped by the following criteria: watched, locked and responsibleTicket Management
- allows users to create new tickets
- provides personalized ticket management, moving a ticket to any different Queue, changing the tickets' owner or closing any specific ticket
- provides the facility of creating new notes, replying to customers using email services, giving the user easy and flexible ways to handle customers requests, thus improving service delivery.Please note that for using all DS Helpdesk features in OTRS 3.1.1 or new you need to remove some default limitation. To do that please ask your OTRS administrator to go on:Admin -> SysConfig -> Select iPhone -> Click on API, remove any values from fields( ex. (MoveList|MoveTicket) on iPhone::API::Object###TicketObject field) and click Update
The DS Helpdesk App provides users free and mobile access to the OTRS Help Desk System, from any devices running an Android OS.The application allows remote real-time ticket managing, ensuring a quick response time and user flexibility.

DS Helpdesk is an access interface App not build by otrs.com team and we don't want to take any credit for their work.


In order for the DS Helpdesk App to comunicate with the OTRS Help-Desk, it requires that the OTRS has the iPhoneHandle package (http://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/packages/iPhoneHandle-1.0.1.opm) installed.DS Helpdesk requires an OTRS 3.x version and the corresponding iPhoneHandle 1.0.Also, an Android device with a 2.1 version or higher is required, along with a high speed internet connection (Wi-Fi or 3G).


OTRS Views
- displays tickets using different view types: "Queue View", "Status View", "Escalation View"
- allows ticket handling customization, according to users' necessities

Personal Tickets

- displays user's tickets grouped by the following criteria: watched, locked and responsible

Ticket Management

- allows users to create new tickets
- provides personalized ticket management, moving a ticket to any different Queue, changing the tickets' owner or closing any specific ticket
- provides the facility of creating new notes, replying to customers using email services, giving the user easy and flexible ways to handle customers requests, thus improving service delivery.

Please note that for using all DS Helpdesk features in OTRS 3.1.1 or new you need to remove some default limitation. To do that please ask your OTRS administrator to go on:Admin -> SysConfig -> Select iPhone -> Click on API, remove any values from fields( ex. (MoveList|MoveTicket) on iPhone::API::Object###TicketObject field) and click Update

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Category : Business

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Reviews (23)

A. G. u. Jul 3, 2015     

From my quick testing it seems that watched tickets are not detected at all. Another problems are missing features like doing ticket search based on ticket number or customer ID. I miss also some sort of setting up notifications - for example to get notified only when a I became responsible or owner of the ticket and not each time when new ticket is received. I am also wondering what is main difference between this free version and paid one since descriptions are same...

A. G. u. Mar 21, 2017     

A ticket search would be extremely beneficial. Search name, ticket #, anything in the subject line. Very difficult having to scroll through tickets

A. G. u. Oct 9, 2015     

I can log into my OTRS system using this application but I receive the following error when I try to look at tickets to read the description No access method 'ArticleGet()' from 'TicketObject'!

A. G. u. Jan 7, 2017     

Tried many times but it shows login failed.

A. G. u. Feb 11, 2016     

Login always failed with my Google Nexus4.. using OTRS4.. I tried using same URL from browser and it work with same credentials but doesn't work with this app. ..!!! :-(

A. G. u. Dec 30, 2015     

Works pretty well with otrs

A. G. u. Jul 9, 2015     

Running otrs 4 on centos 7 and official app connects on iphone. But can't connect on S5 via this app. Possibly not ready for 4 yet.

A. G. u. Jun 23, 2015     

New version is great

A. G. u. Feb 17, 2015     

On Samsung galaxy s5 no start buttons appear so you can login into the account . Basically you can't use the application in any way

A. G. u. Dec 24, 2014     

Used before on Samsung Galaxy 3 and was working fine. Now installed on Samsung note and doesn't show login info.

A. G. u. Jan 28, 2015     

Galaxy Note 4 cannot run application. The Samsung Galaxy Note for no longer has a Settings button specifically for Android. Due to this you cannot configure the app for your system because there is no settings button within the app. I loved the app on my old phone.

A. G. u. Feb 14, 2014     

Always says login failed. I have triple checked my information and I know it is correct. Doesn't work.

A. G. u. Jan 27, 2015     

Ubuntu 14 otrs 4.0.5 apache 2.4.7 fresh install...cannot login app is useless

A. G. u. Jan 11, 2015     

Out of the box experience fails.

A. G. u. Jul 4, 2014     

Apache log says: "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)" Server is ubuntu 12.04 LTS, client is Nexus 4 with android 4.4.4

A. G. u. Sep 23, 2013     

Great app, connects and works well. Only problem I've found is going into a longish ticket I've recently viewed needs to reload the entire ticket - this can take some time. It would be great if it cached ticket responses or allowed you to 'pin' responsible tickets so you can view them quicker without downloading from scratch all the time.

A. G. u. Dec 7, 2013     

Would love to use it, but I do not get any further than creating the account. Upon saving bit tells me it cannot connect.

A. G. u. Oct 23, 2013     

Login failure..Tried repeatedly to contact support to no avail.. Now its working after rebuilding I Phone handler. Best Otrs app I have seen.. Needs a home button.

A. G. u. May 1, 2013     

Can't connect. Delete and edit buttons don't work. Using Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

A. G. u. Jun 6, 2013     

Great app helps keep me from firing up the laptop in the middle of the night and during meetings.

A. G. u. Oct 9, 2012     

OTRS is the best open-source Help Desk platform out there. And this app makes it even better to use! Great job dev! Not sure why people are having problems connecting. Read the notes closely, check your firewalls and ports. This app runs well with OTRS 9.1.10.

A. G. u. Feb 4, 2012     

Finally an app will show the notes on the ticket. The interface is smooth on the EVO with 3g. Great job!

A. G. u. Feb 5, 2017     

Always got a login failed for otrs 5