• Earth Projects App (Phase 1) 1
  • Earth Projects App (Phase 1) 2

Earth Projects App (Phase 1)

Welcome to TEAM EARTH's crowd-sourced and crowd-funded global initiative to save the planet at http://earth-base.com
Earth Projects Apps inform and engage individuals, families, communities, schools, businesses, NGOs and governments in projects for generating greater global understanding, unity, sustainability and peace in 40 critical infrastructure areas. These mega projects harness the power of exponential growth through crowd sourced "microtasks" for massive global change!

You can see the 40 Earth Projects and their objectives at http://earthprojects.info The Earth Project Apps link you to all the information and resources needed for successfully completing these projects.

Earth Projects "Phase I" focuses on the first 6 of the 40 Earth Projects aiming at greater global understanding.

Earth Projects is a powerful global initiative to defend Earth and ourselves from people who are determined to:

1) keep people in the dark to manipulate them through secret societies, secret alliances and illegal cover-ups (cults of secrecy),

2) divide people along socio-economic and political lines (dirty politicians and racists),

3) enslave people and keep them dependent to fill their greedy pockets (opportunistic oppressors and hoarders), and

4) keep people distracted (long enough to rip them off) through a state of perpetual warfare and terror (war hawks and hate mongerers).

This type of drama, smoke and mirrors has globally infiltrated our education, governments, legislation, religious institutions, corporations and media with the aim of eroding our hope, faith, civil liberties, defenses and bank balances. Call it corruption, conspiracy, demonic, or whatever you like.

These so-called "NWO" are on their way out the door, because ordinary people like you and me are uniting around the world to remove their nonsense from our lives and the planet with the awesome Earth Projects App! JUST RELEASED!

That's right! You now have access to the most powerful means to achieve global victory and break the NWO's stranglehold on the planet. Send these rascals back to where they came from with the Earth Projects App -
- "An Awesome Ideological Hellfire Missile to soundly defeat every type of extremist repressive NWO Matrix."

The Earth Projects App (Phase I) was developed as a counter-measure to tackle every type of extremist NWO destructive knowledge base and fascist ideology. Arm yourself with the best app to inoculate yourself from the NWO's distorted world vision that is dragging us into WWIII, global destruction, pandemonium and conflagration!

This App empowers you with the means to generate greater global understanding, unity, and peacefully sustain 12-15 billion people (double our current population)! Don't believe the pessimists or the self-motivated NWO technocrats. There is plenty of land and plenty of food production capacity on this planet. Don't buy into the NWO's call for reduction of the civilian population or participate in their insane murder-sprees.

This first app in the series contains the first six of forty Earth Projects, with links to the project management pages for each that direct you how to complete each project. Phase I contains all the Earth Projects related to generating greater global understanding through the critical components of: 1) Knowledge, 2) Education, 3) Philosophy, 4) Ideology, 5) Consciousness and 6) Vision.

By completing these Earth Projects you will help the world generate greater global understanding, support the Earth Projects mission and earn an equal share of 25% of the net proceeds of the sale of this app up to $10 billion to be distributed to all who complete these projects (terms and conditions apply). Learn more at http://earthprojects.info/terms.html

Enjoy a simpler and more natural way of life
- with Earth Projects Apps!

Category : Productivity

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