• EasyStatCalc, Easy statistics 1
  • EasyStatCalc, Easy statistics 2
  • EasyStatCalc, Easy statistics 3
  • EasyStatCalc, Easy statistics 4

EasyStatCalc, Easy statistics

## Important information for Samsung users ##
On some Samsung models, there may be no decimal or space key on the numeric keyboard. In that case, please install Google Keyboard from the Play Store and try it as the default keyboard.

By using EasyStatCalc, you can do statistics calculation and analysis by an easy and simple operation.

You can put data into the Data-window by using a keyboard or by pasting data from this app (other statistics methods) or other apps (e.g. Editors and Google Sheet).

[Calc] button performs calculation and displays results to Result-window. Data on Result-window can be shared by some other apps (e.g. Mailers, Google Sheet, Google Drive etc).

Each statistics method has useful [Help] and [Example] buttons.

Entered data and results calculated by each method are memorized until the next use. This function is a feature of this app and it is very convenient.

Currently EasyStatCalc supports following parametric and nonparametric statistics calculations.

This app can be used for basic statistics, biostatistics, medical statistics and clinical statistics.

* Parametric statistics:

1. Mean, SEM and SD, etc
- Arithmetic mean
- Geometric mean
- Harmonic mean)
- Confidence interval (CI)
- Sum
- Sum of Square
- Variance
- Skewness
- Kurtosis

2. F-test for equality of 2 variances
- Mean and SD
- F-test

3. t-Test (Student's and Welch's)
- Mean, SEM and SD
- F-test to compare 2 variances
- Student's t-test
- Welch's procedure when both variance is not equal

4. t-Test (Paired)
- Paired p-test for paired 2 groups

5. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- Mean and SEM

6. Multiple t-test with Bonferroni's correction
- Mean, SEM and ANOVA
- Multiple comparisons

7. Correlation, Regression and test
- Correlation coefficient
- Regression coefficent
- Coefficient of determination
- Test for correlation

* Nonparametric statistics:

1. Median, Range and Quartiles, etc
- Median
- Range
- Minimum
- First Quartile
- Second Quartile (Median)
- Third Quartile
- Maximum
- Quartile deviation

2. Mann-Whitney's U test (U-test for difference of distribution between 2 groups)

3. Sign Test

4. Wilcoxon's signed-rank test (paired 2 groups)

5. Chi square test(2x2 table) (Chi square test of independence)

6. McNemar's test (paired case)

7. Fisher's exact test

* Major version history

Ver 1.2.0 (2016.12.3) + "Multiple t-test(Bonferroni's correction)" was added. + "One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)" was updated. + A bug of "Mann-Whitney's U-test" was fixed.  (Bug: Printed B gruop data were A group data.)

Ver 1.1.2 (2016.10.29) + "F-test for equality of 2 variances" was added. + "One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)" was added. + "Fisher's exact test" was added. + Some bugs in usability were fixed.

Ver 1.1.1 (2016.09.29) + "Sign test" was added. + A bug of "Test for Correlation" was fixed. + Followings were added to "Mean, SEM and SD, etc".
- Skewness
- Kurtosis
- Geometric mean
- Harmonic meanVer 1.0.9 (2016-08-30) + "McNemar test" was added. + "Chi square test" was updated.

Ver 1.0.4(2016-07-26) + Maximal sample number was increased to 100 from 50.

Ver 1.0 (2016-07-15) release

Category : Education

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Reviews (20)

ken. S. Sep 8, 2020     

The space bar did not work for the paired test so I couldn't add data on each line, I downloaded the gboard from the play store, it works fine now. It did not work with the samsung keyboard!

Eri. K. Jul 13, 2020     

Keyboard no good, missing comma and space. 1 variable statistics only Limited to 100 data points. Phooey.

Ant. S. M. Jun 8, 2020     

This is app is very helpful. It helped me finish my research study. It is very easy to use

var. h. May 28, 2020     

It is nice app ever but please set can also show two way ANOVA replications

Ger. T. A. Feb 17, 2019     

great app. Im a Research teacher and it helps me a lot.

Jak. M. Apr 23, 2020     

I cannot use the space bar...its not working.

Moh. H. S. Mar 1, 2019     

excellent App. please add more than 4 column to multiple t test section

shr. c. Sep 25, 2018     

Best app out there ,never been so happy with giving cent percent !

Sir. C. Jun 24, 2020     

The interphase is good. Nice platform

PRA. K. May 30, 2020     

Needs more developments for refined presentation

sur. s. g. Sep 25, 2019     

superb fantastic app. does the job superbly

Lin. G. Feb 17, 2020     

Wow. The most useful app I have ever downloaded 😍

Dr.. M. S. U. S. Jul 7, 2020     

A must have mini pocket stat calc

Ara. M. Jun 30, 2019     

this app is not useful for stat testing

Man. K. Feb 23, 2019     

Forst use Calculator method, then use this app

Bon. H. Oct 11, 2019     

What am I doing.

ram. e. Oct 22, 2017     

Very useful I love this app but can you please make the the maximal pairs more than 100? I really love it

Ted. A. Sep 14, 2017     

Can you update to 3×3 and 4×4 for the Chi-square test of Independence??? Great Application!!!

Ali. S. May 19, 2017     

Very good app. As a chemist I use it and enjoy. Thanks developer.

Be. L. Dec 6, 2016     

Great idea, useless implementation. Nothing can be calculated, because its impossible to add spaces and thus impossible to comply to the required format