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Edu 91

Edu91 is a go to platform for every commerce student to learn in an interactive manner. The app offers comprehensive Commerce Courses for students of Class 11th & 12th, Professional courses like CA, CS, CWA, BCOM, BBA etc.

We have onboard with us, the leading faculties in the country who believe in imparting knowledge and imbibing the concepts into the minds of students.

Category : Education

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Reviews (29)

Ksh. S. Jun 4, 2019     

The classes are good. The problem is with the app. No matter how fast your connection is it'll keep buffering every 2 seconds. I have 100 mbps connection with the router right beside me, still am not able to complete any class. The exam is in one month and so far i haven't received any assistance from them.

Utk. G. Jan 30, 2020     

Firstly, one has to wait for a long time before the app starts as it shows an error "Oops!something went wrong." Secondly, videos don't play continuously though having a proper network connection videos buffer a lot. Although the teachers are very good videos are helpful and overall the content of the app is best and is available at most reasonable price but with these above stated issues the app becomes of no use.

Shi. S. Mar 19, 2022     

Every time i install this app and try to login it shows that my email id is not a valid email and if i try to make a different account then it shows me that this email is registered, i tried a lot but not able to login I lost my excel course that i purchased due to login problem please tell how to connect with team

ATH. S. Mar 7, 2022     

The videos keep buffering every 2 seconds even tho i have good network connection and I am not even able to open any PDFs

anu. r. Apr 25, 2020     

Too much lag in videos, alot of buffering which makes 1 hr. Video 2 hours long or sometimes even more. The stars i am giving is based on the content i got from the lectures but there is a need of improvement in the application. Please do something about the application and do it fast as many may suffer due to this lagging issue as it wastes a lot of valuable time.

Bha. R. Feb 2, 2022     

Best experience with this app In case of any Technical issue , I called on the number given by tech team and it get resolved.... Test series and many more good features in the app like discussion between students about subject related matters๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Par. S. Sep 17, 2019     

Sir s teaching style is the best. Understood all the concepts. One issue is the videos take a hell lot of time to load and sometimes it becomes irritating. For a 2/3 sec of vid play it takes 8seconds of buffer which does wastes alot of time. Ive checked all my internet speed and its upto mark but the vids wont load properly.

Kan. B. May 18, 2022     

Not good coustom service. In the course description they don't mention that drive class is only for leptop purpose.

Abh. Feb 25, 2021     

Overall experiences are well and good but my humble request is to add download options for lectures which was bought. It helps students to conserve their data. By reducing lecture video quality brings problem in understanding and on the other side streaming at medium and high quality consumes more data. So, please add download options.

Dip. B. Jul 18, 2019     

Satisfied with the contents but the app is stopping sonetimes in the middle of a video. And then after re-entering into it that video is starting from the very begining and not from the from the moment where the app stopped to work. Pls fix this problem in the upcoming update.

son. j. Apr 4, 2020     

Despite having a good internet your app videos buffers a lot. Everything is working but your app doesn't work.. Video which is having a duration of 1 hour takes 4 hours to complete. And after this we get frustrated how do we study. No doubt u have the best faculty they teach very well but your app is not at all good.. How do I complete my course just tell me.

A. G. u. Feb 21, 2019     

This is a fantastic app. It is the best app for CA course. People in rural areas also could get best faculties and learning experience by this app. I have a suggestion that if the videos can be available offline ( just like in hotstar, secure, can't take screenshots) the app will become awesome.this app doing great job for the students of CA with affordable cost.

Sai. R. Feb 3, 2020     

Interface is clean. But an option to download and watch lectures offline also to be enabled as connectivity is not good everywhere. Yes but enabling the option to view offline after downloading would be great.

Nid. S. Nov 23, 2019     

The best App for CA, CS , CMA courses , also for the career guidance courses and other valuable professional courses . Appropriate study content with wonderful guidance of the mentors . Very easily accessible and Student friendly App . All the mentors are truly the bestest and help the Students always . Really proud. Thank you so much for introducing such a wonderful platform for all .

Pra. G. Feb 11, 2021     

The Classes Are Excellent... There is no regrets on behalf of that but I I request the app developer to fix the network issue, like if we are having a good network connectivity also this app buffers a lot! So please fix this bug error ASAP so that completes my 5th๐ŸŒŸ

put. S. Apr 18, 2022     

The app is too complex to handle and the technical team is very poor to support doubts.

S. B. Nov 23, 2019     

All the teachers are amazing. But please sir add an option to download videos in the app only ,so that we can easily watch them on the go and without any internet problem . Rest is good . ๐Ÿ˜Š

Ros. C. Mar 27, 2021     

When u complete the course ( excel club) after completion when u give mcqs even if you tick the correct answer it automatically ticks the wrong one and when you reattempt it shows the same marks again and again and you cannot download your certificate. Many students are facing same problem. Apart from that teachers are really very good. Please fix this issue

Sej. K. Feb 2, 2022     

The application is really hard to use. You often get logged out of your account and when you try to sign in, it shows an error. You'll have to call the customer support everytime, just to login

Swa. J. Apr 1, 2020     

Very poor app too much time in loading courses, lectures videos buffer alot likr 1 hr lecture video is finished in almost 2 hour , first I thought net was slow but youtube or other browsers were running videos smoothly , I am using the latest updated app.

Rac. M. Mar 2, 2020     

Sir i have downloaded the latest version of the app and i have purchased 2 courses. And i am really sorry to say but the app isnt working at all. I have watched 4 lectures and now i am unable to watch the 5th one. The lecture doesnt play. It buffers and after that it buffering also stops. I am having a huge problem. I wasted my 2 hours and still no lecture is playing. I am getting irritated now. Please kindly help me.

Ism. S. Feb 12, 2022     

Network connection is fine still there is buffering problem while watching videos

ash. s. May 23, 2020     

Its my small concern that it will be great if application itself provide us option where we can able to download payment/transactional invoice. Also sometimes while in running classes the video gets stop. Pls resolve those areas.

SAN. L. May 12, 2019     

The app needs more development as it sometimes crashes or sometimes doesn't change the settings relating to speed and quality...Hope to see the app becomes the best app of our course..!!

Tri. K. Sep 19, 2019     

Automatically streams on High quality even if you choose medium. No screen shot. No offline . Worst app.. . Update it to make it more user friendly.

Sud. K. M. Mar 19, 2020     

You have a great teaching faculty but app which we use is not up to mark. Most of the time lectures stop playing even I have a very good speed of 2mps but I am unable to watch lectures without buffering

Anc. S. Oct 19, 2019     

Classes provided in this app are awesome . I've purchased some of them But the problems after update is . Not able to print the downloaded files as these are not in pdf form only we can see not able to print it

Arj. M. May 13, 2020     

Good application for students. User friendly interface. Easy to access. Faculties are highly qualified professionals.

Arn. S. Mar 6, 2019     

It's a good app.. I found 2 problems though.. 1. Video is not getting rendered smoothly with mobile internet. 2. No option for offline download. It's highly needed.