• eGFR Calculator 1
  • eGFR Calculator 2

eGFR Calculator

Calculator to determine the eGFR (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) using the MDMR, CKDEPI and Schwarz formula's. The app automatically determines which formula is used depending on the entered age. The Schwarz formula for patients younger than 18 years of age and both the MDMR and the CKDEPI formulas for patients of 18 years or older. The unit of measure for the creat value can be switched between mg/dL and micromol/L. Stone/Gallon or other non-metric units of measure will be implemented on demand.
The app is quick and basic. Just enter the necessary information (age, creat and height for the Schwarz formula and age, creat, race and gender for the MDMR and CKDEPI formulas) and the app will immediately show the calculated eGFR values. No splash screens, no [calculate] button (the eGFR will appear as you type) and no values shown that are inappropriate like MDMR values for children. Just a small Google ad banner to support me in my efforts to produce free, fast, reliable and useful Android apps.

Keywords: eGFR, GFR, Schwarz, MDMR, CKDEPI, glomerular filtration rate, nefrology, kidney, internal medicine

Category : Medical

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