• Enigma 1
  • Enigma 2
  • Enigma 3
  • Enigma 4


The enigma machine was a rotor-based cypher machine used throughout the second world war by the various branches of the German military in order to send encrypted messages. It had a huge array of possible settings, making it incredibly difficult to crack. This was however eventually managed by a group of British scientists, and the information acquired because of this was hugely important in bringing the war to an end.

This android app emulates this magnificent piece of engineering. Users can use this to encrypt messages to send to one another, hide spoilers on public forums by encrypting them, or simply as a tool to use for learning about how these machines worked. The app includes all features of the original machine, allowing the user to customise their own start set up and use a keyboard and lampboard to output each encoded letter as the original machine did.

Category : Education

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Reviews (4)

Nic. D. K. Sep 9, 2019     

The proper Enigma machine. Would give 5 stars but the layout of the keys stretched past my phones screen. Also add a space bar and make the code generated copy able. Lastly i would like to be able to save configurations or at least remember the last configuration. Good work

Sun. B. May 2, 2019     

I was so frustrated that the other 'Enigma' applications don't actually decode wartime messages. This app actually works!

Col. B. Apr 27, 2019     

Pretty good for a Alevel project. Even if it is my sons!

Jac. W. May 2, 2019     

Feeling cute might play later