• Enigma Jr. 1
  • Enigma Jr. 2
  • Enigma Jr. 3
  • Enigma Jr. 4

Enigma Jr.

Send messages to your friends that only you and your friends will understand!

The WWII German message encoder, Enigma, allowed Germans to communicate in secret for much of the war. One of the reasons it was so difficult to break the Enigma code was every night at midnight, the settings of all the Enigma machines would change, making all the work done in one day to try and decipher a message useless by day's end.

Just like the original German Enigma machine, Enigma Jr will make encoded messages sent today undecipherable tomorrow!

Do you have a phone that supports multiwindow? You're in luck! Enigma Jr. can be used in multiwindow mode! So have a blast encoding, copying, pasting, and decoding messages to your hearts desire!

This lite version will allow the encoding of up to 15 characters. If you enjoy the app and would find it useful to encode more than 15 characters at a time, please consider supporting the developer and get the Pro Version!

Made in the Tasker Development Environment

Disclaimer: Dumb Smart Apps is not responsible for any user's intent of this app. It was produced as an entertainment app, not a super duper high level security encrypting app. If someone figures out how to decode a message produced by Enigma Jr., you probably should find a more sophisticated message encrypting app, or question level of secrecy that you really need to attain when sending messages.

Category : Communication

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Reviews (1)

Gal. N. Jun 2, 2016     

AWESOME! This will come in handy for sure. Not only will unwanted eyes not understand my message, but the message decryption only is good for a day. Way cool!