• Escuela de Espiritualidad Natural 1
  • Escuela de Espiritualidad Natural 2
  • Escuela de Espiritualidad Natural 3
  • Escuela de Espiritualidad Natural 4

Escuela de Espiritualidad Natural

Download the application of the School of Natural Spirituality and enjoy audio that we have prepared for you! These audios will serve to improve your energy and connect with your inner nature.

* Start your day
* Connection with Nature
* Relaxation before bedtime
* Rescue stress

You can listen to them whenever you want and incorporate them into your daily life. Start your day with energy, connect with nature, relax before sleep to have a restful sleep, and recover the balance in stressful situations.

Knows the work and resources that the School of Natural Spirituality has for you through your web: www.espiritualidadnatural.com

We note that these audios have been prepared especially for you by people trained in natural wisdom and psychological first aid, but in no way replace the attention of a professional physical or mental health when it was necessary.

Privacy Policy
In "Spirituality Natural App", hereinafter 'this aplicación', we respect your personal information and in view of meeting the respective security policies concerning any application, we inform you as follows.
Privacy of personal data:
Your personal data will correspond only you and this application is responsible for not disclosing any kind of information that belongs to him (like e-mail, IP numbers, etc.) unless expressly authorized or forces of nature more legal type it involved such as hacking or impersonations.
Security of your personal information:
This is application is responsible for ensuring their safety, privacy of your information and respect for their data, according to the limitations of the current Internet provides us, being aware that we are not excluded from suffering an attack by crackers or malicious users engaged in computer crime.
This application only uses the Internet on your phone. Permissions required by the application are only part of the predetermined system of the machine.
Use of Information:
By providing your personal data, agreeing with the Privacy Policy herein will authorize us to use the following information: a) for the purpose for which it was provided; b) to consider it within our traffic statistics, thus increasing our advertising and market supply and c) to better target services and value offered here at its discretion.
Changes to our Privacy Policy:
This application reserves the right to change, modify, alter, add or remove any part of this writing at any time and without notice, it is your responsibility to keep informed of it for proper management of your information.

Category : Health & Fitness

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