The ELERTS EVENT ALERT app provides organizations with a tool to lock down their facility and keep their employees informed of security concerns.
LockdownEmployees can quickly initiate a Lockdown. Other users of the ELERTS EVENT ALERT app, in your organization, will be notified of the Lockdown and the reason for the Lockdown.

ChatUsers are able to chat with each other about security concerns. Chat supports both text and photos.

Check-InUsers can share their location on a map and indicate if they are “OK” or “Need Help”. This information can be shared with friends and family by Email, SMS, Facebook or Twitter.

For quickly contacting police, there is a Call Police button on the main screen.

ELERTS EPICenterAdministrators or other security staff can authorize which people should have access to the ELERTS EVENT ALERT app for their organization, using the ELERTS EPICenter web based management console.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (1)

Ed. E. Mar 4, 2014     

Lockdowns are tough. Isolated in a classroom with no information about why or what's happening. This app lets teachers communicate with each other and local police. Every school should have this.