• Eyes Drawing Tutorials 1
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Eyes Drawing Tutorials

Probably the most fascinating and beautiful part of the human body to draw would be the eyes. Often the eyes reveal feelings that people try to hide. Most of us look at the eyes of someone to see if he/she is without a doubt sincere. And it is through the eyes that we see whether someone is happy or happy. When it comes to drawing a person's eyes you should capture the emotion of the subject making it look real. The challenge is to learn the steps on how to draw the eyes that will reveal the true emotion of your subject. This could require a great deal of patience to help make your own drawing as real as you possibly can. Let the emotion reveal all the way through your drawing by learning the steps on how to draw the eyes.
Let us start off by having our drawing tools and supplies ready. Have your pencil and drawing paper/sketch pad ready and thus we begin our drawing journey.

The first step in drawing the eyes is simply to observe the subject's eyes. Observe the details of the eyes, the shape and as well as observe the exact emotion of your subject to capture it all right into your sketch pad.

Then, when you are done capturing the shape and emotion of the eyes, make a light outline of the face with the eyes within it on your sketch pad. Outline eyes by sketching two oval shapes or round shape in the upper centre of the face, depending on your subject's eyes, which includes a space in the middle (for your nose).

Immediately after you draw the shape of the eye, make 3 light outline circles within the shape of the eye to get a highlight of the eye. Keep in mind to also add a tiny little triangular tear duct at the inner edge of the eye.

Proceed then to sketching the eyebrows over the upper portion of your outline eye shape. You may use a single stroke for drawing the eyebrows until it thickens with reference to your subject.

Now, you can start shading the pupil, the inner centre circle. Shade it just as darker as it should to create a more realistic drawing. Just after accomplishing this, lightly shade the eyelids as well as the surrounding areas.

Get started on sketching the lashes when you are finished shading the essential parts of the eye that requires shading. Eyelashes are generally not all alike, to come up with a realistic and lifelike eye keep an eye on the subject and sketch the eyelashes consistent with its curves as well as thickness. Remember that eyelashes onto the upper eyelid tend to be longer and thicker whilst eyelashes at the lower eyelid are shorter and thinner.

Lastly begin doing the final stroke to your drawing by adding details which will certainly emphasize the character of your subject. Erase unnecessary marks or traces right after completing the final touch.

The key step in making the eyes look real is generally by observing it and drawing it accordingly to fully grasp the details of the subject. It is somehow tricky to draw the eyes simply because we all have a different set of eyes. Emotions can influence your drawing. That is why it is best to be keen to every detail that you will see while drawing the eyes.

Drawing requires a great deal of practice to help you achieve a realistic outcome. So have an extra pencil and sketch pad ready for more practice. Learn the steps on how to draw the eyes and this will guide you in your drawing quest. Have a great time drawing.

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (4)

Bra. D. Jan 12, 2017     

First off, this is nothing more than a list of several pictures of eyes, some show step by step. Several of these pics are on the list more than once. One I found four times, and the list isn't that long! Worst of all is I recognized almost all of the pics as being from the deviant art website. I personally contacted two of the original owners and both never gave permission for their work to be used. None of the images give credit to the artists, either. The developer is making money off stolen work!

Emo. W. Oct 5, 2016     

You can't zoom in, there's no words letting you know how to sketch and shade it, and it is only one picture for each. The quality isn't the best... It has adds... It literally starts up with one. It's not for me.

Tra. D. Dec 28, 2016     

Easy, step by step how to render realistic eyes

Mar. R. Sep 23, 2016     

It won't even open.