• Fibromyalgia 1
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All about fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome characterized by widespread pain that lasts for more than 3 months. Definition and state of disorder.
Description of fibromyalgia symptoms. Symptoms of fibromyalgia can mimic a number of different disorder, making diagnosis difficult.

Find out what causes fibromyalgia. Current hypotheses include sleep disturbances, emotional trauma, and chemical imbalance.

Find out how is fibromyalgia diagnosed. Includes American College of Rheumatology and clinical criteria for fibromyalgia diagnosis.

Get help with fibromyalgia treatment. Includes information on education, medication, and non-pharmacologic therapy such as exercise and counseling.

Get to know all about fibromyalgia medication. Useful information on Cymbalta, SSRIs, anticonvulsants, sleep aids, and pain medications.

Learn some effective home remedies you can adopt to treat and fight fibromyalgia. Includes exercise, yoga, diet modification and supplementation.

Understand what is fibromyalgia acupuncture treatment. Fibromyalgia acupuncture treatment is proven to be effective in multiple clinical trials.

Useful information on why fibromyalgia massage is effective in the treatment of pain, disordered sleep, and anxiety associated with fibromyalgia.

Get to know some pain relief for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia relief is a practice in patience and determination as the best approach is to avoid flares.

Find out what are the three types of fibromyalgia pain. There are treatment options for each, including medications and exercise.

Understand everything about fibromyalgia in children. Includes useful information on fibromyalgia symptoms in children, diagnosis and treatments.

Find out what are the fibromyalgia symptoms in men and treatments available. It is estimated that 20% of the male population suffers from it.

Fibromyalgia support groups can help enhance mood and reduce severe symptoms. Find out what are the available support groups in coping with fibromyalgia.

Understand how severe fibromyalgia affects people with higher body mass index to a disproportionate degree. Includes severe fibromyalgia treatments.

Find out what are type of fibromyalgia doctors needed during the course of fibromyalgia treatment. Includes rheumatologists, neurologists, and more.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (9)

Kri. R. B. Aug 6, 2018     

Very useful app. Thanks to Gallencraft.

Rac. R. Feb 23, 2015     

I have severe disabling fibromyalgia that mimics MS.I have a service dog to help me around the house, on walks,go to stores,get dressed,pick up objects etc. and who can sense my pain.there is so much more to this disease than doctors know other than just aches and pains like skin and chemical sensitivities, food allergies, muscle tremors,vision and hearing issues,balance and ambulatory issues, inflammation of entire body, organs and joints,unexplained skin rashes,muscle weakness and chronic fatigue,mental issues like irritability, depression, anxiety,sleep issues,seizure disorder,light to dark sensitivity with sight,and arthritis and immune problems, speech problems, swallowing issues, sensitivity with temperatures too hot or too cold,and memory and learning problems.it can also land you in a wheelchair.these are all of my known symtoms at this time.this is a fraction of what this disease can cause.if you don't have a decent plant based diet and a good rhematologist,then it gets worse.I nicknamed it the garbage disease.lol.no matter how painful, dont give up.go for a lite walk and try to stay positive.thanks for the app and God Bless all😆

Wen. B. May 27, 2015     

This app very helpful found a few things that I need to go back to GP and discuss. I am always looking for information to help me cope.

jen. Mar 25, 2016     

It's good info, but now that I've read it all...I'm deleting it. I can get all this info from my many groups. Thank you!

Est. M. Oct 19, 2014     

This is an illnesses, I don't wish upon any one. I live with these chronic pains and always good to learn new things of this chronic illness. Good app. To have for those who live with this illness or have a loved one that suffers from the ilness.

Nai. S. Nov 15, 2014     

I have fibromyalgia and this app has all the info I need

Joa. C. Nov 30, 2015     

The scientific community are in agreement that fibromyalgia is definitely an autoimmune condition, discovered 2015, charges are found in the endocrine system, the nervous & sympathetic nervous system. 90% of people will end up with hypothyroidism so make sure that your TSH levels are tested as well as your T3 & T4. Your illness will go through periods of flare ups and remission. For more information & latest treatments including the very successful HBOT contact me Fibromyalgia Support Group IOM on Facebook

Lor. V. M. Sep 23, 2016     

How many of these meds cause weight gain and how many are severe cases taking!? :weight and activity are well within the control of the individual. As both are related to exercise, the tie to severity between these further supports the notion that exercise is one of the most important aspects of any fibromyalgia treatment regimen. Severe fibromyalgia is a major personal and societal burden that deserves more attention in research. Please try again... Give us more credit!

A. G. u. Jan 21, 2017     

WARNING!!!!! My ph service detected several issues with this app that would cause harm to my ph and cause software/app to not function....