• Find Similar Movies 1
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  • Find Similar Movies 4

Find Similar Movies

Please read the complete description, thanks! Feedback is encouraged.
What is it?This is an App that displays a list of movies similar to the movie you search for.

How does it work?1. You enter the name of a movie you're curious about.2. App contacts Rotten Tomatoes with the name.3. Now 3 things can happen:a. If the name is ambiguous, Rotten Tomatoes returns a list of movies that you might have meant to ask about. This list is displayed & you need to pick the right movie from the list. (This list is not the list of similar movies!) When you pick the one you want to search for, Rotten Tomatoes is contacted again to get a list of movies similar to the one that was picked.b. If the name is not ambiguous, Rotten Tomatoes returns a list of movies that are similar to the movie that you were searching for.c. Rotten Tomatoes does not have enough data about the movie you're searching for, so it returns nothing. :(4. Based on what the search input is, the App displays the corresponding lists.

Why does this exist?This App started out as a way to establish a simple way to look for similar movies. Rotten Tomatoes was chosen as the data source because they have a public API. No movie-matching calculation is done in the App itself, the Rotten Tomatoes API is used to fetch all data.

Does it always work? (Known Limitations)
- As this is a public API, there are rate limits. Rates at the time of publishing are limited to 5 API calls per second and 10,000 calls per day.
- Newer movies may not yield any results, this is dependent on Rotten Tomatoes updating their databases.

- Everything displayed on the screen depends on data returned by Rotten Tomatoes.
- Nothing is stored locally.
- No device specific information is transmitted.
- A search history is not maintained.
- I am not affiliated with Rotten Tomatoes. Check out their website at: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/
- This is an open source project browsable on GitHub (github.com/InViN/SimilarMovies). Feel free to e-mail me with feature requests, bug reports or any general suggestions.

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (2)

arv. s. Jan 29, 2015     

Very easy to use

Con. Y. Aug 17, 2016     

Won't find similar movies in genre, but in name which makes it useless, because google is doing that for you already