• FitRPG: Gamifying Fitbit 1
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  • FitRPG: Gamifying Fitbit 4

FitRPG: Gamifying Fitbit

Thanks for all the positive feedback and suggestions! We've been discussing plans for some huge developments to make this game a true RPG with storyline and all. Please help support us on Kickstarter to make this game the best it can possibly be.

Get more out of your healthy lifestyle. Transform your Fitbit data into a character that can fight your friends, battle bosses, and go on quests using the steps, distance, and sleep tracked by your Fitbit! If you’re tired of seeing just numbers and graphs at the end of the day, or if looking at the Fitbit dashboard isn’t enough to motivate you to walk those extra 1000 steps, play FitRPG, a game that rewards you for your healthy habits.

FitRPG turns your fitness data into your character’s strength, HP, endurance, dexterity, and experience. Go on fitness quests or engage in battles to level up. Sleep to revitalize your HP. Log workouts to increase your strength and dexterity. Increase your steps to improve your experience and endurance. Take fitness to another level, literally.

★ Competitive? Battle your Fitbit friends to steal their gold and experience. Most fit player wins. See how you rank against other players in the leaderboard.
★ Want motivation? Go on timed solo quests, which range from walking 5,000 steps to running a marathon. Win gold and experience if you succeed. Lose gold if you fail.
★ Love gaming? Try to fly up through the rankings by beating the bosses and continuing to level up.
★ Use your gold to buy weapons, potions, armor, and other accessories. Use potions to restore HP, and equip weapons to improve your chances at winning battles against your friends.
★ Just sign in with your Fitbit account, and immediately start playing!
★ No ads or annoying pop-ups.
★ Integration with Jawbone and other fitness trackers, coming soon!
★ More quests (and group quests with friends!) to come.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (27)

Eri. N. Oct 4, 2014     

Most importantly, it has gotten me motivated again about fitness. My only complaint is that I can't figure out how to force it to check the fit it website for my latest results. A button to say sync data would be very useful. It may be that I'm missing some obvious

Dav. H. Sep 11, 2014     

System is easy to get started. First exercise got me a few levels and tons of gold. Would like a more complete game for solo missions and a better way to search for friends to battle but good start. Anything that helps me work out is a good thing. Don't forget to log sleep to gain back hp.

Jus. R. Aug 6, 2014     

It's a good idea and concept, but it still needs a few more things done to make it great. A few things need to be explained more during character creation and i still don't completely understand the mechanics of fighting. Also fighting could be a little more satisfying. Overall though it gives me more motivation to work out which is the biggest reason for it. Plus, they have a kickstarter for an expansion so you know better things are on the way.

Lou. M. Jul 2, 2015     

Added a star from my previous review because I was actually able to login today. There is a bug that makes you have to re-enter your character name and class and another that causes issues with the quests not showing up sometimes. If you switch to your home screen and try to switch back you just get a loading icon that never goes away.

Mar. P. Jan 7, 2017     

Half of the time i an starting the app it doesn't ever actually load but i absolutely live the idea and mechanics behind it. There should be a way to gain new friends in the app. Especially if you don't know anyone that wants to download it. Some graphic additions would be awesome too

son. Aug 25, 2014     

I tried it a few days with fitbit.... heres what this really needs. 1st complaint is that the load times take forever. Compatability with android wear. Graphics even 8 bit. Anything. Dont make it have some silly generic fantasy plotline and chatecters, have some fun with the idea of meshing fitness and fantasy this game has so much potential for getting gamers outdoors more.

Jen. Z. Apr 24, 2015     

This is a great idea and could be very motivating. Long load times and sometimes the quests don't work properly. I think it would be cool to have an avatar for your character, that will change in appearance as you level up. I thought sleep restored health, but I'm still showing 0 after sleeping last night.

Nat. S. Apr 20, 2016     

This is a great idea, but it obviously needs an update. After first opening it asks to donate to a kickstarter, elixir I attempted to do, but it ended unsuccessfully in 2014. I can only assume the developers have abandoned the app after the kickstarter campaign was unsuccessful. It's a shame, really, because this app was the main reason I was excited about getting a fitbit.

Ant. E. May 9, 2017     

The app doesn't do anything. Everytime I try to sign in with Fitbit it takes me to this code page where it says error. Almost like a powerpoint. You have the intro slide and then you have a button on that slide that says start presentation but when you press it all it does is go to a blank slide. And it won't even let me use my back button from the main screen. I have to go home, open my recently opened apps menu and then close it for me to exit the app. I thought the idea was cool but that is all it still is...an idea.

Hen. P. Dec 2, 2015     

there is no sign of anyone trying to fix this problem. I really wanted to try the app and have been checking in every month to see if anything has been done. it appears after yall kickstarted failed yall interest in the app and no longer wish to work on it. to the point were the server appears to be shutdown. I will report this to google and request the app be removed, if the app isent getting fixed its best if it was removed from the play store.

Jon. B. Jan 10, 2016     

I like the idea of this app as gives more reasons to get out and be active. However the platform needs some work as seems to have quite a few bugs. I am using Android so not sure how iOS version differs. Keep up the good work and it should be fine.

Jam. A. Jun 14, 2015     

It's ok, but a little buggy, sometimes gets stuck on a loading screen, some quests won't update and I wish there was a way to delete/change your character. The app doesn't have rewards for workouts, so there's a disadvantage to choosing characters who's traits aren't suited towards steps or distance traveled.

Kev. R. Feb 10, 2016     

As the title implies, I'd like to try it. However, the game does not want to load my fit it information anymore. I tried it twice, when I first downloaded it, but Uninstalled it after it took forever to load passed typing the name of my character. It goes without saying that an update is due, but I can definitely say it seems to have great potential.

San. T. Sep 6, 2014     

I really like the concept and easiness of this app. But it stopped working and would not update with my fitbit stats. I emailed support to let them know, but never got a response back and don't know if they are working on a fix. I'd love to keep using this app, but since it hasn't worked in over a month, I'm deleting it. I really hope they fix their bugs cause it's a great idea.

Dav. R. Mar 9, 2016     

I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what the hell this app is doing...as it often takes a full minute or two to load data...or it hangs completely trying. It even does this when you hit 'back' from some other view in the app to look at data you just loaded and looked at a few seconds ago. Makes me wonder if its repulling the same data from Fitbit when it should be using memory to store and show me that.

mcb. p. Jul 27, 2014     

A fantastic concept and a great way to inspire exercise. However it seems to be pretty buggy at the moment - sticking on loading, force closes, and for the last 3 weeks I've been stuck with three active quests with 0 time limit that don't register any contributions towards the goal of any of them.

Pat. M. Sep 7, 2014     

The concept is good but there are functionality issues. There is no way to unequip items once better ones are purchased. I'm not clear on when boss fights should be available but they rarely are. I look forward to future updates. UPDATE 9/4/14 app will not load or open.

Nat. W. Sep 28, 2014     

I have to type in my character name every time I open the app, which is dumb. There should be an option to just select a character I already built. Quests are cool, but not very descriptive on how it calculates. Steps from "this" point on versus "all day" would be nice to add above the time limit. Great concept and love what it could do, just waiting to see that implemented.

Ste. Jul 28, 2014     

I love the idea of this! I'd love to see more bosses, quick quests, and maybe even drops. I'm not sure how the random player battles work but I've yet to have any accept and battle me, also the levels that get put against each other don't match up. Otherwise I'm eager to watch this one.

Mar. M. Jul 21, 2014     

This has the potential to be a lot of fun, but definitely needs some work. There is no option to update profile pictures. Someone else was able to create the same profile name as me and I think their picture is showing up on my profile. The pull-down refresh option takes a very long time to refresh, if at all. The app sometimes fails my quests when I've completed them. There's work to be done on this one, but if the kinks can be worked out, this can be great.

Eva. C. Mar 24, 2016     

Love the concept, but when I opened the app the first time I tryed to look at equipment and it loaded for a full minute to display nothing, then went back to the main screen and another loading wait. Restarted the app and now it opens to a loading screen that doesn't seem to end. I'm going to try reinstalling, but I'm not hopeful. Update: tryed reinstalling and still loads for just too long. Seems unusable on a Galaxy S3.

Fra. E. Oct 18, 2014     

This game is a lot of fun. I wish there were more quests, such as going up a certain number of flights of stairs. I don't understand how battles work. I currently have 5 queued up, but can't tell when they might actually happen. It does integrate really well with the fitbit one. I would like it more if the gameplay was slightly faster. Edit: web site has been down for days.

Fer. H. Dec 6, 2015     

As some other users have reported, the initial login via Fitbit fails (internal server error), & this is needed to begin using the app entirely, making it useless. I have attempted the login process on a number of occasions over several days with the same result, & have noticed other complaints spanning several months exist within the reviews, indicating an unaddressed, ongoing issue with the app design. Very disappointed, overall, as this idea has real potential to be great.

Sco. D. Apr 21, 2016     

Man this has so much potential but realizes so little of that potential. Could be more like a board game...or offer more quests and matches are damage per step + level and attributes. Needs a story line...wouldn't take but an hour to write simple story boards to be completed each week.

San. G. Jun 21, 2015     

I'm a big RPG fan and I love the idea, but as others have stated, there really isn't any direction. I kinda know what to do (quests, equipment, boss battles) but that was after messing around for a while and previous knowledge of games like this. I try to battle random people and nothing happens and I really don't know what some of the stats represent. Great initiative, bad judgement.

CJ. Y. May 16, 2016     

Unfortunately, this app appears to no longer work. I was presented with options to make a username but could not get the following page to load. The Kickstarter page sites the project failed to meet funding and the last app update was in 2014. Disappointing because this seemed like a great idea.

Paa. D. M. Sep 2, 2014     

Seems fun. Still working on getting people to battle, it would be great if you could battle a hydra by exercising 7 consecutive days or flee a Dragon's wrath with 2100 steps in an hour. I can't wait to see more development. After paying for a bit I found I can't have two acTive quests at once. The seCond reverts to zero as soon as I complete the first. And it stays in my acTive quests permanently. I can't even cLick the complete button or fail it.