• FLL 2016 Animal Allies 1
  • FLL 2016 Animal Allies 2

FLL 2016 Animal Allies

- Scoreboard for the FLL 2016 season "Animal Allies"
- 2:30 Timer
- calculate your robot game score live
- Save your reached scores and analyse your trend
- Share your scores with others
- Get notified when the faq was updatedPremium:
- Create your own scoreboard perfectly customized to your runs.
- Group missions and preset your results for each run.
- Check all missions for one run at once.
- Create your own scoreboard perfectly customized to your runs.
- Group missions and preset your results for each run.
- Check all missions for one run at once.

- This is only Beta version ---

Category : Tools

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Reviews (2)

Aim. I. Oct 7, 2016     

The M14 mission has 3 options. The refs score one of the 3 options; the points do not build on each other. So if option 3, the mission scores 4 points, not 9. The M04 mission has the ability to score 6 animals not 5 (max 120) since there are 2 frogs on the "frogs" mission model. So the max score should be 439.

Zan. P. Sep 7, 2016     

This helped a LOT with my team! The points are recently updated so this helped even more! I just wish it had a more ergonomic layout