• Fortune and Luck - 2 1
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Fortune and Luck - 2

Do you need Luck and Fortune? We think so. This application can help you! It opens a channel of luck from Universe to you using your gadget. It was produced using powerful secret magic rituals. It spells secret magic spells on start. Hidden socral symbols attracts Luck and Fortune. Application is easy to use. It is enough to open it daily . You need to look on 3 screens only about some seconds. The user interface is optimized for daily using. This edition opens luck channel with width “middle-2”.“Fortune and Luck
- Number” is a set of real magic applications. The Number is edition number of the application and the price in US dollars. There available editions: 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,500,1000, 5000,100000,1000000. Main differ is width of the channel of Luck. Expensive
- wider.
The application protects you and your life using paranormal power. It attracts Fortune and Luck to owner and protects him from ills and bad events. House is protected from fire and theft. Car is protected from theft, fire and traffic accidents. Money is protected from loosing. Pets are protected from ills and loosing. Your flying by airplane will be OK. Really it works as powerful magic amulet. It is easy combined with any Esoteric, Metaphysical and Spiritual practice. Fantasy stories and wonderful events will be attracted to your life.

There are two kind of features in Fortune and Luck applications. Open features can be used and controlled by a user. Hidden features and procedures invisible but they are the most important. They opens the channel of luck. They are executed while you go throw Magic Protection Cascade. The cascade windows are changed by clicking. Fore editions that are greater than two this process is finished by Lucky Clock window and can be restart any time. Daily using is enough for magic working.

Open features have own Using windows with feature descriptions.

Open features for different editions1. Magic cascade with protection of Zodiac, Year Symbol and money. Lucky Sound (Sound of Absolute Luck) that generates sound mixing 77 Hz, 777 Hz and 7777 Hz tones2. + Switching on/off of lucky sound 5. + Lucky Clock based on 777 magic power. + Protection of the emblem by lions10. + Lucky Calendar, it has not Friday 13 date!20...1000000
- the same, differs by hidden features only

Hidden featuresDigit magic procedures:1. Getting power of Continents.2. + Getting Luck of the Seven Wonders of the World.5. + Getting Harmony of the Seven Notes.10.+ Getting Luck from Pi number (3.14…)20.+ Getting Luck from Santa Claus Raindeers.50.+ Getting Luck from the Rainbow Colors.100.+ Getting Luck from the Linux command chmod 777.500.+ Getting Luck Academy Awards ceremony.1000.+Getting Luck of Classic Planets.5000.+Getting Luck from Week Days.10000, 10000000
- under construction

Luck and Fortune channels are opened on all events. But we can add more lucky energy on some events by spelling spells. This edition includes all spells from previous editions and has special spells for:

1) Protection you luck from black magic2) Successful looking for new job3) Support of good relations with brothers and sisters (if you have)4) Supporting in acquisition of good friends5) Meeting with good doctor if you are ill6) Protection of home from thieves7) Successful graduation of University8) Successful searching of good sport coach9) Protection of papers losing10) Victory in disputes11) Good election results for your candidate in the Senate

Attention: magic is individual. It could work for you or not. Feel free to try it. The application is supported by daily special magic ritual of the Application Architect.

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (1)

A. G. u. Mar 9, 2017     

The free version -1 worked somewhat. I had near misses on lotto bets. I bought this one hoping i would finally win but the opposite happened. My bets are now nowhere near the winning numbers