• Free Realistic Dragon Simulator 3D 1
  • Free Realistic Dragon Simulator 3D 2
  • Free Realistic Dragon Simulator 3D 3

Free Realistic Dragon Simulator 3D

Fly Dragon and hunt down different types of wild animals to get rewards from them, which you can use to buy new and bigger dragon.

Easy to Play and Fun loaded game.

Realistic Dragon Simulator 3D is made for all fans of flying dragon games, Simulation games and Dinosaur games

A free roaming game where you can go any where and explore frozen forest at Christmas, New year,Halloween or at Easter.

✔ Different type of Dragons
✔ Wild Animals
✔ Realistic Enviroment
✔ Incredible flying fire dragon model
✔ Stunning HD Graphics
✔ Realistic dragon animations
✔ Beautiful Landscapes
✔ Easy and Free to use
✔ No WiFi? No Problem.
✔ Offline Play
Enjoy ツ

Category : Simulation

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Reviews (8)

Nic. O. Nov 14, 2019     

I think this game has potential! You could add some bodies of water and some people too, maybe work on the controls a little to make it less awkward to use, I think a running button would be nice to have instead of just holding down the fire breathing button to go faster. I do love how the dragons look and I noticed that they only grow a tad bit, I'd love to see them get to a large full sized dragon, unless It's intentional they stay that size. A hunger meter would add to the realism.

Thu. Mar 2, 2022     

well this game is low quality and when i try to control it to go som where it turns in a circle and you can barely fly i have had this game for two minuets and its alredy getting boring and the fact that i cant level up by killing the animals is redicuols to me and you have to buy the same dragon just to ge to be older and that the other dragons dont have a baby version it is a horibble game 10/10 would not recomend.

Ony. Dec 29, 2019     

What exactly are you supposed to do? You can't attack anything and nothing hurts you or attacks you. The dragon model look great. And the coin system has no purpose. You can't get any coins from playing.

Ayl. N. Jun 4, 2021     

Fun but after a while it's extremely boring. all you do is fly around jump you don't get to do anything exciting. this is not the dragon game that I like. Yeah it's almost good enough for four stars. Still not good enough.

Kri. C. Jun 1, 2020     

I think this is in progress and so far it's pretty good maybe you can fix one bug tho when I fly up the screen shakes

A. G. u. Jan 19, 2019     

Cool can you add something please!? Can you add castles and viliges and knights and farms to raid and pilvige? I will then give a🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 star revew if i colud!!!!

A. G. u. Sep 28, 2018     

The dragons look REALLY girly lol

Jen. S. May 6, 2018     

Awful its so bad I can animate better 😠😐😈