• FRN Box Lite 1
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  • FRN Box Lite 3

FRN Box Lite

"FRN Box" searches for online Gateways connected to the Free Radio Network.By entering a search criteria, you can search/filter the current Online Gateways.
FRN Gateways provide wide coverage to portable/mobile radios. These Gateways re-transmit the received signal over the Internet (VoIP).

Reference: http://www.freeradionetwork.eu/

This utility strives to be a time-saver while in the field. We wrote it out of a "new-comer perception", so feel free to shape it too! If you have an idea that you would like to see built into "FRN Box", please drop us a line. Suggestions are most welcome.

Some scenarios:
* You are in the field reaching for a server/room; you need to check whether it's online or nearby.
* You want to join your server/room though a Gateway and need to confirm it's Channel or Tone.
* You want to enter frequencies or tones into you radio and need to type them by their values.
* You're on the field and want to resolve overlapping emissions, understanding which one is a person, which one is a Gateway.
* Your're simply out there with a radio, searching for a Gateway nearby for a QSO.


Sincerely,Toodroid team

Category : Communication

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Reviews (1)

Mat. F. Jul 10, 2017     

Cant log on to the network