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Geography Map Trainer

Geography Map Trainer was created to help you quickly identify and recall the location of the most influential countries around the world. It uses a progressive difficulty system that helps prioritize which countries you learn first. It also has intuitive and easy to use controls that make this a great starting point for anybody wanting to learn more about the world they live in.

Does this cost anything?
No, Geography Map Trainer is completely free and has no ads of any kind. There are also no annoying registration requirements or "Rate the App" reminders.

How do the difficulty levels work?
In Geography Map Trainer, all of the difficulty levels (easy, normal, and hard) have the same timer and the same maximum number of misses. How they differ is by the number of countries included in each difficulty level.

How do you determine how influential a country is?
Geography Map Trainer ranks all countries around the world using a combination of factors that includes population, GDP per capita, and land mass. For US States, they were ranked by population only.

Why isn't XYZ country included in the app?
Geography Map Trainer is not designed to teach the location of every country around the world. Instead, it focuses on teaching you to quickly learn the location of the top 165 countries. Some countries also had to be excluded because they have too little land mass which makes them too difficult to pin point on the map (Singapore, Malta, etc).

Do you plan to add more features to the app?
Yes, Geography Map Trainer is still in development and more features will be added shortly.

Category : Education

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Reviews (24)

Kat. F. Mar 30, 2020     

Functional and does not have ads. Also shows Kosovo as a separate country, and Myanmar with Burma in parentheses. These are wise decisions and caused me to like it. However, it has poor design choices. Clicking the confirm button can still move the map, which can cause a failed score. The map is in sections, cut off from the surrounding areas, which looks weird and loses context. The map projection also squishes some countries, like New Zealand, with some unfortunate implications in Africa.

Dom. R. Feb 11, 2020     

UX is a nightmare the presentation is rather basic, but it's free and contains no ads. If the following problems were fixed, it'd be worth at least 3 stars: - The country picking algorithm seems to be off occasionally. - Having to center the screen on the target country is madness on touch devices. - Feedback should stay on screen until the player decides to continue. The teaching effect appears to be severely limited by only having a few seconds to parse the feedback.

Abr. C. Mar 30, 2021     

Great app! Great way for people to learn all of the states in the world. Not destracting at all very simple. It has a personal score board so that people can see what states and countries you know. Once again, great app...I would recommend using it.

Kev. M. Jul 9, 2019     

Makes learning geography really fun. I like that the difficulty levels add to the amount of countries to place. A few quirks that i didn't like. I would rate it 5 stars except the high score table doesn't update witu faster times.

sum. p. Jan 14, 2022     

Helped me a lot in remembering the countries and best part is I can play it again and again with my sis while learning at the same time. Thanks 😊

K. M. Apr 7, 2020     

Excellent smooth interface and pain free experience. Great game design which paces out learning using the quizzes. Well done!!!!

Jim. G. Feb 2, 2021     

Very simple and works well. No ads! Would be nice if it had a feature to search for a country.

Kas. S. Aug 11, 2020     

It's a good app..but please add other physical prominent features like mountains ,volcanoes ,oceans ,straits for exam preparations . Thanking you in anticipation Rashika :)

Ran. 1. Jan 7, 2020     

Has helped me so much in geography classes and makes it easier to understand why that country is their and also like how it gives me options like Asia or Europe

Sa. P. Jun 25, 2021     

Great app! My only complaint is the option labeled as "LATIN America". How about label the countries of Central and South America separately?

Way. K. Oct 11, 2019     

This is a great app for learning geography. I would like to see the addition of seas and major waterways.

Lin. C. Aug 23, 2019     

Amazing and educational it really gets me thinking where countries are. Just really good.

Aks. G. Apr 3, 2022     

Why is the map of India distorted. Please correct it. Jammu and Kashmir belongs to India a part it has been illegally occupied by Pakistan and China. However that doesn't give you or anybody the right to change the map. It legally belonged to India and will continue to in future. So kindly correct your maps.

Uda. K. Aug 14, 2021     

Ur app is totally innovative...I loved it in first use only...can u pls make the same to locate different things like rivers,strait, oceans capitals and so on for study purpose?

Hal. G. Feb 2, 2020     

Fantastic app to learn geography! Fun and educational. Highly recommend it!

Rap. A. Dec 3, 2019     

Thanks a lot. Just for your info: Eswatini is no longer called Swaziland (since 2018).

Jam. G. Aug 21, 2020     

Pretty awesome. Even better...no ads and no system permissions. Thanks dev!

ABH. S. Jul 26, 2021     

Very poor and shameful app it is heart every Indian to show the wrong map of India, China and Pakistan, Kashmir is a part of India and will part of India forever

Sar. J. Oct 29, 2020     

Thats a good place to know about the country This help me in locating the country of continents Thats a very nice place for learning about country of continents

Dee. M. S. Sep 9, 2020     

That's amazing! No ads! Very few apps have this feature ;) ;) ;)

Mon. J. Apr 7, 2020     

I picked an island in the Bahamas as the answer.... I got the answer wrong even though it's an island in the Bahamas. I had to pick a specific island.

Han. R. Apr 19, 2020     

Helps me learn really fast and it's fun :)

Gau. K. Jan 28, 2021     

this app is made with wrong map of India, they should modify it, then release that. condemned this app completly. wrong app

Jis. J. Jul 25, 2021     

They've omitted jammu and kashmir from India's map . And have added it to pakistan and china.