• German Verb Conjugation - Conjugator - Translation 1
  • German Verb Conjugation - Conjugator - Translation 2
  • German Verb Conjugation - Conjugator - Translation 3
  • German Verb Conjugation - Conjugator - Translation 4

German Verb Conjugation - Conjugator - Translation

*German Verb conjugation: the best way to learn how to conjugate a German verb. Write the infinitive or a conjugated form and the German Conjugator will provide you a list of all the verb tenses and persons: future, participle, present, preterite, auxiliary verb.

*Conjugate a German verb - Translate and learn millions of words and expressions.

*In German, you can type in and conjugate infinitive forms such as "machen", "sammeln",... but also conjugated forms like "mache", "geliebt". The conjugator recognizes reflexive verbs ("sich rasieren") and negative forms ("nicht machen"), as well as verbs with separable or inseparable prefixes (e.g.: be-, ge-, heraus-, vorweg-).

*The conjugator uses conjugation rules for models. You can click on the corresponding section to learn more.

* conjugate a german verb - translate and learn millions of words and expressions

*German thesaurus Dictionary

*Search inside definitions and examples

* Improve your vocabulary! The ideal thesaurus to find German language synonyms and definitions of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.

* Discover and rediscover a variety of words and expressions to enrich your vocabulary and allow you to express yourself even more clearly.

German Verb Conjugator, Conjugaton, Conjugueur, Conjugador, Konjugation, Coniugazione, Conjugação, Спряжение, تصريف, 日本語

Conjugate a German verb-Translate and learn millions of words and expressions.

German verb conjugation - conjugator - Translator

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* english to german translation sentences
* spanish to german translation sentences
* french to german translation sentences
* german to german translation sentences
* italian to german translation sentences
* portuguese to german translation sentences
* arabic to german translation sentences
* hebrew to german translation sentences
* japanese to german translation sentences
* dutch to german translation sentences
* polish to german translation sentences
* romanian to german translation sentences
* russian to german translation sentences
* turkish to german translation sentences

traductor german

german verb conjugation chart

list of german verbs

free german definition synonyms

Translations in context - Traduction en contexte - Traducción en contexto -
Tradução em contexto - Traduzione in contesto -
Übersetzung im Kontext -الترجمة في السياق -文脈に沿った翻訳 -
Vertaling in context - תרגום בהקשרПеревод в контексте -
Tłumaczenie w kontekście - Traducere în context - İçerik tercümesi

* German Synonyms Dictionary

* German Thesaurus Dictionary

* German inside definitions and examples

3.Futur I
6.Futur II

2.Futur I
4.Futur II

2.Futur I
4.Futur II




Category : Education

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Reviews (6)

büş. ç. Feb 22, 2021     

The ınterface and everything is actually quite good. I was really happy to download this app. However, the advertisements are so annoying that whenever I clicked a button, an advertisement pops up and because of this, the app does not do what it is supposed to do (do not even translate a new word). Just a new ad keeps popping up instead of translation every single time.. really annoying.. I understand that free apps need support but I wish there was a button that we could buy the app..

moo. Aug 23, 2019     

other forms and similar German verbs are missing in the app, even for the same verb which is in example screenshots. with that option definitely 5 Stars... I downloaded only for that option actually... ---- *after UPDATE* Boah! That was fast and unexpected, thanks for your attention and efforts, now it's complete as it's presented in the dl page. 👍

Edu. K. Jul 2, 2021     

App is good, but ads are annoying. Any chance to have a paid version without ads?

Fil. R. Jun 18, 2019     

I started learning german language.it is useful. I advice german verb conjugation app.

ahm. r. Aug 24, 2020     

very helpful in A-1 level

Moh. B. A. Mar 10, 2022     
