• Girls Mood Scanner  1
  • Girls Mood Scanner  2
  • Girls Mood Scanner  3
  • Girls Mood Scanner  4

Girls Mood Scanner 

Hey Ladies I have the Great honor to present you this awesome application for the sweetest thing in the world Girls and women , this Tool is very smart one it lets you discover and know your daily mood and what is waiting for you in the day ,you need just to put your finger on the scanner in order to measures your heart beats the compare it with the given data base in the application after that the mood result will be displayed on the screen, so Girls scanner mood will really helps you also there are some daily tips for you .

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (28)

Yuu. Oct 12, 2016     

When i was happy it said i was somehow"BITCHY",OMG who invented this game man shut this fricking game down man scientist stupid these days games ain't worth nothing seriously i mean it know what i'm gonna be quiet this game driving me up the wall 😤😡👎

Har. S. Oct 7, 2016     

I hate it pls guys don't waste your time this is too boring😤

Bri. W. Nov 25, 2016     

It's rude it's saying my mood is hot and it says cuse words like the b word and got kids under 13 please don't download and it called Me blank crabby and devious

A. G. u. Feb 4, 2017     

It's said i was bitter sweet but i was tired.This app is not telling the truth DON'T DONLLOWOD

Tau. F. Jan 11, 2017     

I just downloaded it today I and I'm looking to do so do not download this app because you really really doesn't help you figure out what your phone is Springfield VA am I got I just played two times I will still sleepy and happy and says that for the sleepy it said that I was angry and so happy that I was going to say it said I was mad I'm not even mad

A. G. u. Feb 2, 2017     

Its actually accurate cuz i was acting like miranda sings and it said that my mood is drunk and my friend was saying crappy stuff and it said her mood was crappy when we tried it on the cat it sad mood is angry #lol😄😄😄😃😀😊😄😄

A. G. u. Jan 15, 2017     

My mood was happy and it said my mood was sad never get this game

Mor. S. Dec 28, 2016     

It doesn't work its s**t im not happy and itsays im excitied then the other day my friend tryed it and she was happy and it said she wanted to die

zav. k. Dec 14, 2016     

I hate this game it is just not true so if you are looking at this and want to download it don't it is just a waste of time.When I was happy it came as disappoint and when I was annoyed it came up as happy if you could rate a game as no stars I would so just think if you want to download it or not.

Ker. G. Dec 19, 2016     

I was using the app and it was saying two different things! First it was hyper and then it was awake! My actual mood was sleepy! People who are reading this good thing because not just that problem it has! It has lots more! All I am saying is DO NOT EVER DOWNLOAD!

Van. P. Dec 24, 2016     

I don't know what this is.whoever made this booo boring

A. G. u. Nov 28, 2016     

This app doesn't tell the truth. I was feeling under the weather and it said I was feeling b**chy???? Not for kids saying I rather am one myself. Please be aware any other kids on this app. Sorry but it could use some work for the app.... Okay start though I guess?

A. G. u. Jan 7, 2017     

I tried it and it said geeky when i was sleepy

A. G. u. Nov 28, 2016     

Enjoyable and correct because I was very very angry and it actually said extremely angry!!! Then it said I was active and I just had ran round moat park . AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING the only game that's correct !!

Hav. a. Feb 15, 2017     

It doesn't work whenever I said I was happy that I was energy I had a lot of energy and I don't I'm watching TV laying down I don't have any energy what is going on don't waste waste time on this game

Ash. L. Jan 7, 2017     

It said that I was ashamed but I was actually in love

Hel. R. Jan 4, 2017     

It's really good I'm not very happy at the moment and it said I was angry which is true plus it doesn't vibrate

Bre. P. Nov 21, 2016     

WRONG ! It said I was mad but am actually sleepy

A. G. u. Dec 11, 2016     

It seid I wase hyper wene I wase sad

Roh. P. Dec 26, 2016     

Stupod game in the whole universe ...

Vin. K. Feb 2, 2017     

I think that this game shows write but sometimes it goes wrong I just don't believe in these things I am so tired and ashamed it showed me write but after that it showed me excited please do not believe in these PLEASE LIKE

Ker. a. Dec 29, 2016     

It's bad this game! It tells you bad words mood to! And it don't tell your actual mood, i am only 7! And what if a 5 year old played this game and a bad swear popped up and started saying it at school that's what happened to my niece's my cousion told me!!

Kes. H. Nov 11, 2016     

It said I was exhausted and I am

pin. D. p. Feb 4, 2017     

I hate it It doesn't work

Bet. S. Jan 17, 2017     

it said I was drunk I don't even drink

got. p. Jan 20, 2017     

Just downloaded it and I already love it or it know my mood I LOVE IT AND RECOMEND IT

Sha. M. Feb 14, 2017     

Its Ok... I was screaming my head off and it said I was confused..

Sar. G. Jan 21, 2017     

I love this app so much its a great app barely any adds and its true I would definitely recommend this for any age