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Gout Diet Lite

Light weight and easy to use app centered around the level of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food) which will be produced by common food items.

- > 300 food
- 8 categories
- Android 4.0 UI
- quick access
- able to work without an internet connection

Gout is a painful inflammatory form of arthritis (gouty arthritis) where joints become swollen as a result from an immune response to uric acid crystals. This typically happens near the big toe, but can happen at other joints too. When it comes to gout, there is a lot of mention of purine and it is metabolized into uric acid. What is usually failed to mentioned is that there are many kind of purine, and not all are effective in increasing uric acid.

Gout Diet is a one stop app to quickly browse through a list of common food items and identify if these food will result in high level of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food).

**Ad SupportedKeywords: gout, food, list, common, everyday, uric acid, high, low, diet

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (13)

Lei. H. Nov 12, 2014     

This app says beer is ok. Beer is the worst thing you can consume when you have gout.

Mar. S. Aug 15, 2015     

If you follow this app expect lots of flare ups!

Bry. Apr 22, 2014     

Not easily aid out.

Jav. V. Oct 6, 2015     

How can beer be fine to take? This is completely wrong. Avoid this app's information

Tin. S. Sep 22, 2017     

Doesnt have a lot of ingredients and missing a lot of fish

MGe. May 9, 2016     

Easy to use

Mik. C. Dec 28, 2016     

Who made this app? Urologists that want more business?

Sla. A. Jun 19, 2014     

Incorrect info

Mur. A. Jul 25, 2017     

Coffe and tea , beer ??????!! ☠☠☠

A. G. u. Jun 20, 2016     

Avoid this app. Misinformation

Len. D. Dec 25, 2016     

Wish this app included the ability to scan foods.

Dan. V. S. Nov 21, 2014     

Beer is not something someone with gout would drink. This app is a sham!

Zoo. G. Nov 6, 2015     

this awsome