• GPS Navigation Trucks 1
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GPS Navigation Trucks

GPS Navigation Trucks converts your Android smartphone or tablet into a fully functional mobile navigation system with on-board maps, thus avoiding data transfer for map display, route calculation etc.The world's most versatile and user-friendly GPS navigation for truck drivers.Truck GPS Navigation is a truck-specific navigation system designed to provide safe and reliable routing on truck-legal roads. Truck drivers know that choosing the wrong route leads to wasted fuel, out-of-route kilometers, lost time and money and in some cases also safety issues.Unlike standard car navigation systems,truck route navigation gps efficient routes based on the vehicle profile information, routing parameters and load type, including hazardous materials.The driver can choose a profile configuration based on length, height, width, weight, max. axle load, and whether he is carrying hazardous goods.The maps are on-board, which means they are stored directly on the device At the same time both the maps and the application can be easily updated free of charge.

Category : Communication

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Reviews (4)

Isa. M. Dec 7, 2015     

When you press search it just takes you to adds.

A. G. u. Oct 26, 2015     

Takes way too long to calculate a route. Think I'll stick to using my brain and an atlas like I've been doing since 1991.

Tar. A. Jan 26, 2016     

Only show adds, don't work at all

Mik. H. Apr 21, 2018     

Click bait - Ads only !