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The Philips GroomTribe app is designed to help you find your perfect shave.

Perhaps it’s all about reducing shave related irritation like redness or razor burn. Maybe it’s about having the latest shaver technology in your hand to give you the best, close shave. Maybe it’s just understanding your shaving trends and improving your technique over time.

Whatever your need, GroomTribe works with the Philips Shaver 7000 to give you your very own perfect shave.

Personal Shave Plan
* Co-developed with dermatologists the app gives you advice as to how to tackle your own skin issues. These tips and advice adapt to your own skin progress.

Your Shave Dashboard
* Get a snapshot of each shave with instant insights on your technique
* Discover, over time, trends and insights in your shaving habits
* Get personalized advice, tips and feedback real-time, shave-by-shave

Guided Shave
* Improve your shave technique in real-time or every time you synchronize your Shaver with the app

Sensitive Shave Settings
* Let the app recommend the best speed setting for your skin; normal, sensitive and extra sensitive

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (29)

Ric. S. May 30, 2022     

App is working with my 9000 series. It's little bit slower and I don't know why it count shaving duration when it's not shaving. For example I am shaving myself 3 minutes but 30 second's I am speaking with someone and it counted 3 minutes and 30 seconds of shaving. It's simple fix because shaver know when it is shaving and when it is not.

Dan. T. Jan 22, 2022     

The app goes through a long series of intro/demo pages every single time you open it, then gets stuck trying to sync account data, then if it gets that far fails to connect to the shaver. Please go back to having a simple app - why would anyone want an account for a shaving app! Just keep it simple and make it work with the shaver, nothing more is needed!!

rub. r. Mar 19, 2022     

Yeah it's not that good and I agree with the other reviews. Unfortunately we live in the world of software updates. Uninstall the app and use the indicator for the cleaning solution to know when to replace the fluid. For some reason I can not connect the shaver to the app. Honestly you do not really need it if you follow the indicators on the shaver and cleaning solution container.

Mar. R. Jan 11, 2022     

Very disappointed with the App. It connected to my new s7786 for just a few days, then after that it will not connect or sync with the BlueTooth. I see that this appears to be a common problem with the reviews on here, so what is Philips doing about it?? I have sent a message to the Philips support team via WhatsApp to report the problem, and to seek further guidance....

Alb. P. Dec 25, 2021     

1) the application faq and the registration are in German and there is no way to change the language 2) there is no online manual for the razor. Only a bunch of useless video. The razor comes with a manual containing only pictograms impossible to understand what they means. 3) the application is totally useless and seems to me it exists only for marketing purposes

Mik. R. Dec 26, 2021     

App looks OK but the app has an issue with the Bluetooth connection. It sees the razor with correct model etc. The Bluetooth pairs ok with the Bluetooth on the phone no problem, but the app does not see it or connect to the Bluetooth via the app itself so never sees it. Reset and removed the pairing but trying via the app just fails.

Dam. K. Dec 19, 2021     

Absolutely rubbish app. Don't waste money on the new series 9000 either, I am not impressed, I have the older 9000 shaver from 2 years ago and it's far better . This app does not connect to my new s9000 shaver. This is a gimmick. I have good tech knowledge and this app is a waste of time already. AVOID

Bib. T. Mar 20, 2022     

*SOLVED* Could not get the phone to pair through the app. For Samsung Galaxy users, install the app from the Play store. Go to your Bluetooth settings and make sure your shaver is not paired to your phone. If it is, unpair it. After these steps, search Google "How to boot to recovery mode" (for your specific model phone). Boot into recovery then scroll down to "wipe cash partition". Select this function, then reboot phone, open GroomTribe app and go to pair function. It should work as mine did.

Dan. M. Feb 20, 2022     

I haven't really been able to get it set right. I have the Norelco 9000 series S9502/83 and in the consumer care section it's not even listed as a choice for model options when asked what model I own. Seems to me the program's not updated on a regular basis to include newer models. Fix this and I might revisit the rating.

Joh. W. Jan 25, 2022     

I had to replace my phone, since then the app will not connect to phone. Uninstalling, fed up with trying to make it work . waste of time, battery usage, and phone memory storage.

edw. m. Feb 27, 2022     

This shaver has converted me from traditional wet shaving. Best Xmas present I have ever bought myself. Easy and quick to use, cost saving is great, really close dry shave without irritation but with the option to shave wet too.

Ram. G. May 29, 2022     

It keeps saying connection error (after tapping on Get Started), both my wifi and data connections are good

Vin. r. Aug 23, 2021     

I have found the shaving app very useful. It shows you how to get a consistent shave, how to be efficient with your shaving, and keeps you updated as your shaving through a calendar history thing that gives you either a green light to show you did well, or a orange light to show you need improve your technique. Only criticism I have is the app is a little bit confusing, and messy with the layout, it could do with being simpler, and not so busy, and sort out the online store it's shocking bad.

Pau. Nov 5, 2020     

Helpful as a new user to electric shavers in general, although: 1. The feedback about how well you're shaving is limited: not initially clear what it means when it says to make smaller circles. Says don't apply too much pressure but no feedback re: what's too much. Videos would help. 2. Lately the app seems to have been counting time the cleaning station uses the shaver for against my shave time. More than a bit annoying to be told my 3 1/2 minute shave took over 4 next time I open the app.

Krz. C. Feb 23, 2021     

The shaver (S7940) makes my whole face itch without removing all hair from it when I use as directed by the app, and when I don't use the app and shave the way I did before it shaves alright, still not great but with much better effect both in terms of remaining hair and skin damage. I also get annoying e-mails because I registered to get longer warranty (got the shaver as a gift despite having a still good Panasonic one), but I do not want to use the app or account as it is of no use to me.

Ala. D. Dec 22, 2020     

This app works great and is fun to use, if not totally very practical. It connected easily to my new shaver. As you shave it gives you real time advice like "use smaller circles" "keep good skin contact" or "You're doing great." Then when you're finished it gives you a score on how well you did. It also asks questions such as "how much irritation do you feel?" and then gives advice. The 'not practical" part is that you need to watch the app as you shave. Since we all look in a mirror as we shave, you kinda' have to hold your smartphone up with one hand, shave with the other and look back and forth between the mirror and the phone. Maybe they'll offer an update where the advice could be 'spoken' instead of you having to read it. It also reminds you to clean the shaver after each use in case your wife isn't there to tell you that, lol. All in all, it's a fun app and works well.

Cha. H. May 18, 2022     

Worked for one week then says can not find app. Reloaded and reset shaver still can not find app

Mic. C. Mar 24, 2022     

Was really happy with the app, it worked brilliantly with Android 10 but just changed my mobile that has the new Android 12 and it doesn't work at all, I can't get into my account and it won't connect to my razor. Will there be any updates for Android 12?

Ted. H. Mar 6, 2022     

App forces you to register with e-mail. This is a violation of GDPR. They claim it's to store app data to improve experience, that is just a poor excuse for data collection. This needs to be optional. Product amputated if you do not concent in sharing e-mail. Will not recommend product.

Dea. M. Apr 26, 2022     

I've been shaving wrong this whole time. This app has help me get a much closer shave. it actually works.

Gra. T. Jan 21, 2022     

Can not disable push messages, very annoying. The nice thing is I Improved my shaving with the motion sensor in the shaver.

she. m. Dec 14, 2021     

Rubbish app. Keeps telling me it can't find shaver and I keep getting this Bluetooth connection needs an app but I already have the app. Given up. I don't use social media so unable to get any further help.

Cos. S. Feb 2, 2022     

Does not even connect... It is a true disappointment. The app says I have no internet connection. Ok, if I don't, I will not be able to upload this rating...

She. S. May 7, 2022     

After 2 months,app is not working. Tried to uninstall and reinstalled,still doesn't work.

Hug. V. d. B. Feb 8, 2021     

New Update 2021-02-08 Got a new phone. Apparently Android migrates pairings from your old to your new phone, but the shaver does not recognize the MAC address of the new phone and then refuses to connect to it as it's already paired to the old phone. Completely unpairing both the phone and the razor allows a reconnect. Some sort of error message instead of connecting.... ad infinitum would have been nice. On the new phone I logged into Groomtribe cloud (or whatever you call it) with my previous account. The app says it synchronized the cloud data. After having connected the razor to the new phone, the app wants all my personal info again (age, shaving habits). It also synchronized 14 shaves from the razor, then states I have never shaved with this razor (indicates 0 shaves). So what's the cloud account for if it doesn't save my data? And why are the shaves synced from the razor ignored?

Pal. Mar 14, 2021     

Back down two stars (now 1). Latest app (6.10.1) does not recognize any shaver for product info or warranty except the S7940. Currently have the S7782 and S7940, and the S7782 is nowhere to be found. Useless as a "coaching" app - the only accurate info is shaving time and battery level, found integral on many shavers WITHOUT an app. Rotational movement on the S7940 averages 70 percent, and on the S7782 35 percent, same technique, similar shavers. Not a serious or supported effort by Philips.

Mic. S. Aug 3, 2020     

My Pixel 4 meets their requirements and still having issues. The assessment would hang on "Welcome to your Groomtribe app" when I try to do the assessment regardless if I am logged in to an account or not. Cleared cache and tried to reinstall the app and it still doesn't give me the assessment. It also doesn't guide me with Bluetooth pairing. Edit: I downloaded an older version of the apk. The app now works for me. Clearly whatever change was made in the latest version did more harm than good.

Ano. May 20, 2020     

My 1 and half year old $200 Phillips shaver (s7920) is 'no longer supported'. Why? What's the point of paying extra for 'smart' devices to have their features removed after they run out of warranty. The settings on the shaver are now useless as I cannot adjust anything on the shaver and it only runs on basic settings.

B. N. May 2, 2022     

Just paid $178 for a brandnew 9000 series, their app doesnt work. I followed the instrunctions to the letter, the app will not connect. I even went into the user settings and gave the app every phone permission under the sun. Nope still dont work. If anyone is thinking (Maybe user error?) NOPE, Im a software enginear. I know how bluetooth connectivity is supposed to work. I like the shaver, but Im serously thinking about calling in their warrentee and getting my money back.