• Growtopia 1
  • Growtopia 2
  • Growtopia 3
  • Growtopia 4


BE AWARE! This is a game about collecting and protecting items while playing and chatting with actual human beings from all around the world. Your items CAN and WILL be stolen if you don't keep them safe. That is part of the gameplay and stolen items will not be restored. All of the items necessary to prevent theft are available in the game. USE THEM WISELY!
Note: There is a Personal Controls area in the Options menu
- it allows you to disable the In App Purchase and Tapjoy Offer Wall options as well as block chat with other players.

Growtopia is a creative sandbox platformer MMO where you can:

* BUILD anything you can imagine – houses, dungeons, song, artwork, puzzles, etc
* COLLABORATE with real people
- there have been over 13 million player accounts created, all in the same universe, no sharding!
* PLAY mini-games
- parkour, surgery, quizzes, PVP battles, CTF, races, and more
* PROTECT items using an innovative lock system which allows you to give access to friends
* PLANT seeds to grow trees
* SPLICE seeds to discover hundreds of amazing items, with new items added constantly
* TRADE items in our secure trading system
* EXPLORE a universe of over 300 MILLION user-created worlds, all persistent and connected to each other
* COMMUNICATE using a full chat and messaging system
* EARN a single in-game currency entirely through gameplay
* See classic pixel graphics, optimized for small and large screens
* Hear the original soundtrack by Cory Mollenhour
* Your account is usable with clients on all platforms (Android, iOS, Win, and Mac)

Didn't get your gems or having a problem? Email us at [email protected], we'd love to help!

Growtopia is a collaboration between old school indie game developers Seth A. Robinson and Mike Hommel.

CAN'T TYPE? Tap ENG to toggle to the English keyboard! If that doesn't work, try changing keyboards. (Requires standard ascii input)

WARNING: This app allows Gem purchases using Google's In App Billing system. Be sure to disable purchases or set a pin-number in the play store if kids use your device.

Category : Adventure

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Reviews (17)

Kad. May 25, 2022     

Looks like they've already optimized the sound system in growtopia. It is well playable now compared back them after they optimized the sheet music. Sounds need a little polish though, after optimization, the sheet musics misses notes on complex songs. all that aside, its a pretty decent game.

Ber. May 7, 2022     

I came back 2 years later. On my last review I talked about how there was a text box on the bottom of my screen and I can't clear it. Again, I opened my newly downloaded game and The stupid text was still there. Even if I click cancel many times It wont Disappear.

Eme. May 15, 2022     

Game's kinda broken. Recently it has been crashing me when I leave a world and when I log back in, I'm redirected to some IP or whatever, where someone else was banned with. Now I have to just hope my IP resets it on its own. Please, fix your game. I cannot play because of this. Moderators recommended restarting my device, but it didn't work. Instead, going away somewhere else and coming back apperanetly worked? (I was off to work) I don't know. Just please, check what causes this.

Pye. May 12, 2022     

Been playing this game for about 5 years now and it will always have a special place in my heart❤, i have a suggestion for an option that lets you open more than 1 pack in a single click (ex: opening 200 ssp packs at once) instead of opening em 1 by 1, cuz my fingers just feel like fallin of😭 ~keep on improving the game 😘

App. C. May 22, 2022     

I may said that growtopia should go back to it's original days, but ngl, i think it's time to move on. The new bug fixes and moderation is definitely best even though it was reported for the past few years. Better late than never. Also i do hope they make a new event that doesn't need gems and instead focuses on a newly introduced mechanic :)

Omb. R. May 2, 2022     

I love this game in many ways... Been playing this game for almost 8 years and I just got my beat mask thing last day... But when I play this game on any new phone the fps lag is serious even if you have 128gb rom and 8 gb ram right now i just got my new RedMi Note 11... Lag when you enter a world with a music notes... The music is doing some weird sounds and it makes the game lag.. and sometimes when you enter a world with many people it really hurts to play this game on newer phones fix it pls

Kai. May 1, 2022     

I'm changing it to 2 stars since ever since last week I've been always getting stocked on "ERROR CONNECTING" even though my wifi connection is great. This is a great game but they gotta fix the server. I cant even enter the game.

Jar. c. c. u. q. Mar 13, 2022     

This is a good game (Just don't count the community). But there is a big issue where I cannot delete what I wrote and I had exit the game and re-enter to delete the message. For example, I'm trying type my password but I typed it incorrectly and have to exit it and re-enter to delete the password , I dont know if this happens to other players to but it happens to me with the phone I'm using (Oppo). PLEASE fix this issue, it impacted my gameplay alot it will be nice if you will fix it.

Ord. 1. May 20, 2022     

I was an ex-Growtopian, till I decided to come back and see what's up with my old game. Let's get to the point, this game has returned to its former glory, Ubisoft handled it pretty well. But well, old illness of this game still remains though. Still lots of scammers, but the mods did a good job banning em every day. But uhh, the server, yeah it's still bad af...

Tec. Apr 5, 2022     

I like the game, but the only problem is that for Android devices, the TEXT BAR is ALWAYS up, is it that hard to just fix it? Why do the developers never do anything about it? I'm sure many others who have tried this game also have a text bar that is constantly opened, it isn't closeable.

Jer. C. W. Apr 1, 2022     

This game is fun and I would rate it a 5 stars. But there is lots of problems in this game. There are lots of bot spammers, scammers, and other bad things. Also the "You won ray man fist (or something else) go to this link to redeem it" always scams the new players, I got scammed becouse of it before too. There are some technical issues in this game too but it's not a big deal. if you don't get problems like the ones I said, the game is a pretty cool game. 3/5 stars for me

Eth. O. Apr 22, 2022     

It has its issues, yeah. But this is likely my most played game of all time, and I have unmatched fantastic memories along with it. I have met some of the best people I will ever meet. There is so much to do aswell, many players just see it as a "if I can't get rich it isn't fun", but its a game. You're supposed to find fun in just playing it. I've played since 2014/15, and I don't know when I'll permanently stop, but not yet.

Lau. S. May 11, 2022     

There's a glitch on fishes when they're put in fishtanks, sometimes the fishes doesn't show but you still can pick them back up. Just a visual glitch but please fix it, that glitch has been here for a very long time now

Luc. l. May 23, 2022     

Game,graphics,controls and item design is good. But to get rich is the game to u need to keep grinding, farming, sell/buy stuff. But other than that, the game is good!

jcs. Apr 23, 2022     

Im getting annoyed, i cant enter buy+ worlds because of the level limit specially mostly in every buy+, new players will be having a very hard time selling their items and will ruin their experience of playing the game when you cant even sell the thing you want to sell, how are you going to make world locks from that? It is very hard to sell items in a random world.

Pla. C. Apr 29, 2022     

Growtopia, I recommend to make a website like forgot the email that was created. On the website, players can explain their grow id and password, so if their grow id and password match their account, then it's the original people who want to change their email, whereas if the account password doesn't match their account, then it is cheater. It really helps growtopia players in terms of forgetting email, for sb or the like, or also for accounts that get banned with no reason

Cod. S. May 1, 2022     

As a current player of 2 years on the game I can say the game could still use some fixes but I don't believe it's the game itself that makes people give up I think it's the fact people factor it to close to reality and they start to forget it's a game and if they don't understand the game they just Uninstall it as I've shown people the game and it will break your brain for a while😆