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Gumroad, the most powerful platform for enabling creators to sell directly to their audiences, now has an Android app! With it, you can easily read, listen to, or watch all of the products you buy via Gumroad on your Android devices.
Your library of videos, music, books, and more is now with you everywhere you go. Access your workout plan from the gym or stream a film on your bus ride.

Here’s how it works:▸ Purchase Gumroad products in your browser from your favorite creators.▸ Log in to the app with your Gumroad account credentials.▸ Your mobile-friendly products appear in your Gumroad Library.▸ Read, listen to, or watch to your heart’s content.

Your mobile Gumroad Library automatically syncs, so you always have the latest version of a product at the ready.

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Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (25)

She. H. Jan 4, 2019     

Gumroad should have a good app but it does not. I will lay out what i consider to be the problems. Videos start from the beginning if you stream them and at any point close your phone or leave the app. It would be better if the videos paused and allowed you to resume the position. The available offline switch isn't very useful because it doesn't allow you to pick specific things to download individually. It also won't update your choice if you switch it on and off, without closing the app out.

Cia. Dec 7, 2019     

They clearly focus all their energy in the iOS(iPhone) app. It's very difficult to read documents in the app, they don't save your place, and my phone can't seem to keep the information downloaded even though the auto download is turned on. A lot of my information that used to be there isn't anymore. It's really disappointing to see such a drastic difference between the two phone platforms.

Tho. R. Dec 19, 2019     

This might be the least functional and the most poorly designed app I have ever used. I feel bad for the people trying to sell audio courses through this app. It makes it impossible to consume content. The best audio courses are useless on this platform. The controls for audio appear for a fraction of second and then move off screen where you can not reach them. Audio will randomly start and stop. There have been times where 30 minutes after I stopped listening the audio starts to play.

A. G. u. Sep 15, 2018     

This app is not too good, in my opinion. Any video files or pdfs I download, it shows that it is downloading forever until I back out of the product page, then enter it again. Only then will it actually say it successfully downloaded and is available for me to view. If you're someone like me, you may have a lot of purchased products in your library. This is a nightmare to sift through since you can only scroll downwards and each product is listed in one long column. I would really appreciate a search feature so I dont have to scroll for days to find something I bought last year. This is a problem that the gumroad site has as well. If I have the gumroad app open on my phone and I purchase a thing on the web version, the app will not show it in my library. The app only refreshes my library when I click on a product and then back out of it. Mild inconvenience. Occasionally this app crashes when I select a product to view. Outside of the numerous bugs with the "Keep offline" option not working and other much needed TLC, it has the potential of being a good app... but I would much rather just download a PDF and put it on my phone manually then to tinker with this gumroad interface in it's current state. I will update this review when these things are addressed. Regardless, you got some things right and I've certainly seen worse out there, so I'd like to thank you for that.

Zan. A. Nov 28, 2018     

In short: needs some pretty major quality of life improvements. 1) Playback resets to 0:00 when switching apps or locking phone screen 2) Playback is unavailable when the phone is locked 3) Sometimes when switching back to the app, the video stalls and you need to back out to menu and click on the video again to resume normal playback These aren't a big problem when you want to, say, watch the entire video. But if it's more of a podcast type of video, the inability to playback with a locked screen or in the background is super annoying. I mean, this is 2018, hell the original iPhone had the ability to playback audio with the screen locked. Please address these issues.

Mac. E. Dec 7, 2018     

For an eReading app it is missing a lot of basic features. Having to manually flip through pages whenever you open the app is annoying, there's no bookmarks, no jump to page, the UX seems unthought of. They appear to be more focused on being a storefront than anything else. They're on the hunt for more things to acquire for their unnavigable catalog instead of making what they have usable.

Jam. C. Dec 2, 2020     

App experience is worse than the website. I'd you look away and come back, files are gone. No progress bar and even if you sit on it until it downloads, it won't register that until you exit and reopen the listing again to remove the loading spinner. If it just handled that (keeping files and better loading) I'd even go as far as 4 stars for everything else.

gab. Mar 13, 2019     

This app is really bad. The only reason I use it is to watch videos from those I support. The internal video player is awful and won't save where you are in the video even if you swipe down from the top bar to view a text message. Right now I can't even watch a single video cause it keeps crashing. Disappointed.

Jud. L. May 15, 2019     

it is inflexible. If you pause and return you have to start at the beginning again and again. And now it keeps shutting down. There aren't any settings to help you set things up with preferences. I wish my favorite author used a different app. Totally frustrating!!!!

Dav. C. Sep 14, 2018     

Like many others I tried downloading an ebook but the icon just continued to spin endlessly. I went to the Gumroad website, downloaded the book directly to my computer, without any problems, and then transferred it to my Samsung Galaxy tablet. Google Books automatically found the book and added it to its library. I am going to try and inform the author; tell him to look at the negative reviews on this site. We are not cranks, this is just an unreliable app. It seems to work for some, but judging by the majority of negative ratings, it does not work for most. Evidently the developers do not care.

Bea. Oct 22, 2019     

Simply worst app from technical side I've come accross. The podcast resets to the begining on its own. While I'm on another app, Gumroad will start on its own and play the podcast, sometimes it won't even stop if I press stop button. I understand there might be bugs et cetera but with this state the app shouldn't be released, clunky and frustrating.

Dav. C. Aug 9, 2019     

Worked well for a few months. Lately, the app keeps crashing upon opening. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, but it didn't alleviate the issue. UPDATE: App still crashes. Downgraded to one star as I have not received any response from the developers regarding a solution.

A. G. u. Feb 1, 2019     

My stuff doesn't load even though they're downloaded for offline use. it would be helpful for the app to save your place wherever you last left off, but I can't even get most of my stuff to read it, let alone something helpful. I had an iPhone, and recently got a Galaxy Note 9, the app is 100% better on Apple. The developers for this app did not put half of the features Apple has and that's really upsetting. Customers (and the clients using their service) shouldn't have 2 different experiences.

Chr. R. Sep 24, 2018     

Terrible, terrible app! I have bought about 10 books through this service and it won't let me read any of them. I keep trying once every year or so hoping an update will finally come that allows you to view the products you purchase but so far, after about 5 years, nothing! Customer service is useless too. I just hope the artist at least got their cut from the sale so it wasn't a complete waste..

Jor. R. Sep 17, 2019     

This app was last updated four years ago. It hardly works on any device I've tried to install it on. For podcasts it makes you download all episodes as default and the buttons do not work. Only using because I want to support the creators on their network. App is awful.

Son. B. Sep 4, 2019     

This app is simply unusable. Gumroad as a service is fine. So I just go straight to the Gumroad site or the original email I received in order to access my purchase. In the app, simple documents either refuse to load or I have to keep playing with the download button until they do. I had this problem on both my Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus and on my Blu Vivo XI Plus.

Han. G. Sep 9, 2019     

Poorly optimized for every device I've used it for. Makes me download my stuff over and again, refuses to open it, regardless if it's been downloaded or if I view it (or try to) on the app. This is the third time I've tried opening this new collection I've gotten, haven't even been able to read it yet. Incredibly disappointed.

A. G. u. Jan 19, 2019     

Very barebones. You get the content you've got in your library and that's it. There are no options for browsing anything else. Video player is extremely basic. The big feature request here is CHROMECAST! If this was added it would easily bring this up to three stars.

A. G. u. Dec 2, 2018     

Liked the app. But I see an issue while reading a book in PDF. Whenever the orientation of the mobile device changes from portrait to landscape or vice-versa the current page shifts all the way back to page 1. I have to search and come back to the page I was reading.

Nat. K. J. Feb 14, 2020     

Unfortunately this app just doesn't do what it needs to do, I use it for a podcast subscription which appears 3 times in my feed. Podcasts continue playing background with no way of finding them again to pause sometimes and other times you go out of the app and the whole podcast starts again... please get better!

Dam. V. Jul 16, 2019     

good app, I can watch all of my tutorials on the go. the only problem is that once I exit the screen to reply to a text, etc and then come back, the video starts from the beginning. I hope that in the next update we can continue to watch from where we have left off.

Kad. E. Oct 29, 2019     

I thought the "Last updated Sep 29, 2015" tag was a bug at first, that is until I actually started to use this app. Pretty much just only has the bare-bone features you'd expect from an app developed over 4 years ago, don't expect it to scale very well if you have a newer phone. At the very least it works.

Jer. G. Feb 2, 2020     

This app does not work. You can waste your data repeatedly downloading files, but if you planned on listening to them you're out of luck. After allegedly finishing the download thw files are nowhere to be found on my hard drive, and can't be played on the app but merely downloaded again.

b. n. Feb 6, 2020     

Extremely frustrating to use this app. Downloaded programs stop playing in the middle and will not continue.does not remember where you left off requiring you to scan to find the same spot. downloaded videos will suddenly get lost and the app will try to redownload it using all your data.

Dav. L. Sep 4, 2019     

Worst app I have ever used, will stop playing what I select mid episode then play entirely different thing every time I have ever tried to play something, doesn't select things correctly, absolutely broken garbage that can't even perform the most basic of functions correctly I have never been more frustrated with an app