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Gutenberg Books

Live from Project Gutenberg, with more than 50,000 collections of all timeless classics and top hits, it features all the important books ever published in history. It consists of all the digitised cultural e-books that allow you to carve your way to magical and perfect reading experience.Our app has finally opened the portal of all the riches of Project Gutenberg in all your apple devices. Come along and embark your long and beautiful journey with so much ease and comfort.The entire text is represented in a sophisticated book format with elegant design, dainty user interface and graceful page turning. Now, you can carry your books library along with you in your pocket, escaping into your favorite master pieces anytime.
Note: Project Gutenberg books are in the open domain. We are not associated in any way with Project Gutenberg.

Category : Books & Reference

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Reviews (27)

Lar. E. Aug 12, 2019     

Unfortunately I've had to downgrade my initial review, I can't scroll through the pages. I get the first page of credits and a slide control that moves dozens of pages at a time, but an incremental page 1, page 2? Not happening, and from the other reviews I see, I'm not the only one stymied. Samsung Galaxy 7, it's not like I'm using a strange Android version... Uninstalling, which makes me sad. The last update to the app was in 2017, so the developers have clearly abandoned it.

A. G. u. Jul 22, 2019     

Lots of great books, but the user interface is kind of clunky & not exactly intuitive. Edit: As other users pointed out, it is no longer possible to scroll through the pages, thus making it impossible to read any of the books! I'm not sure if this is a result of a recent Android update or what, but it used to work & now it doesn't. Since the app hasn't been updated any time recently, maybe the developers should consider that....

Jan. R. B. Dec 23, 2018     

The interface is very clean and easy to use. downloading and reading books is the click of a button. Refreshingly pleasant experience after the frustration of trying to use the Kindle I received for Christmas, and gave away after one day. Kindle really isn't a book reader; certainly not a decent one. A better description would be it's a device designed to bombard the user with ad after ad after ad.

Chr. C. May 18, 2019     

Free books! I just finished Machiavelli's 'The Prince'. I had some minor but persistent annoyance getting through it because I kept reaching the bottom of the "page", which might be further down depending on which of the multiple OCR'd chapter headers I selected for a given chapter. And to determine the next chapter I had to note the page number on the slider. And the slider itself is basically useless for turning the page, probably because it's such a long book. But hey, free books! Thanks!

Bri. L. May 12, 2019     

Update: I'm unable to read a lot of books. They do not scroll to the next page and I find it strange that MOST OF MY PROBLEMS happen when I am attempting to read old SLAVERY TEXTS AND TESTIMONIALS. ..... HIGHLY AGGRAVATING!!! PREVIOUS REVIEW: Pretty good only one issue. I am unable to get rid of the font and brightness adjustment bar once it is open. I have to exit the ebook and go back for the bar to be minimized. A minor annoyance.

Mor. C. May 16, 2019     

Maybe this isn't the best reading app, but it's simple and has all the features I actually use, and paired with the Gutenberg library, I have no complaints. The scrolling takes a minute to get used to, a byproduct of the content being formatted as a one continuous text rather than in pages, but it makes it much easier to scan for a certain section than most readers.

A. G. u. Feb 26, 2019     

looked good initially, but on actually opening a book I found it impossible to use this reader: text size invariably so HUUUUGE that just a few words fit on the screen, not even a whole sentence. And no (obvious?) way to adjust the size. While I might spell out words that way, actual reading is impossible. The single remaining star is only for being able to actually download books (after being forced to 'review' the app first).

Mat. F. Jun 24, 2019     

No apparent way to "turn the page" -- neither swiping nor scrolling nor pressing to the sides of the screen works. The only way to progress within a given chapter is a very trigger-happy toggle that jumps ten pages at the least touch. Several searches in the help interface, on this topic and others, yielded no response at all, despite a message that the "FAQ" [was] up to date." Thus, minimum features in a competent reader -- navigation and documentation -- are missing.

Joe. A. Jun 21, 2019     

After reading a few books without much incident ("bookmarking feature" leaves much to be desired, hope you like scrolling!), suddenly am unable to move the text at all. I can go to the start of chapters, but not shift the text down, which, naturally, renders the app unusable. Plus, no organization for looking up existing books (hope you like scrolling past books in other languages!), or for your library which will fast become a hot mess. There's got to be a better Gutenberg reader than this.

bd0. Jan 27, 2019     

I have a new Samsung note 9... pulled up a book in this app.. there's no mechanism for turning pages. there's a scroll to tell you what page you're on, but swiping in any direction does not move the page. I did go to the middle of the book (via the scroll bar), and swiping up did advance the page number, but only to a certain point, the the pages stopped advancing. not sure what I'm doing wrong, but app doesn't work for me. plus, when I open the app, the 'Discover' portion does nothing but spin

A. G. u. Oct 14, 2018     

Installed the app. Immediately downloaded a book, or so I thought. Upon opening it. The app maximised the screen brightness which was too bright to look at. Upon returning to the previous screen in the app the brightness reduced. In settings I saw and followed the link to upgrade to the 'pro' version to see what it cost. Without seeing that information in the 'Play Store', I returned to the app where it asked me if I had given the app a rating, which I hadn't since I'd only just installed it and wasn't, so far, having a good time with it. I answered 'no' and was just presented with a 'busy' icon. The app will now be uninstalled as it resembles a bogus app to me.

Sar. S. May 7, 2019     

Slick and easy to use e-reader with a truly huge library of classic books available for anyone to read. This has to be one of the best reading apps on the market. The major issue is with the quality of the MOBI and EPUB files that are used for the ebooks, which could do with tighter editing in many cases. But the app itself is solid.

A. G. u. Nov 23, 2018     

Love the free books, but the interface could use a bit more work. A true night mode would be very welcome. As it stands, some of the menus are still lit up in bright white even in night mode, which is terrible on the eyes and rather counterintuitive.

Alb. Z. May 30, 2019     

OK, but I would like a much wider choice of Italian books in Italian, especially ancient or antique travel guides of Tuscany and Florence. Well, of Rome and the Castelli Romani as well, please. And while you are at it, would you please throw in some travel guides of as many places in Südtirol as possible, in italian, please, while my German is progressing. Thank you!

Jan. M. Jul 14, 2019     

I have been using the Gutenberg service for maybe ten years, and have collected a nice library. The Project has been constantly upgraded in presentation and appearance of the pages. Much easier search function and an always-growing range of books offered. Good work in all respects.

A. G. u. Sep 20, 2018     

Guttenburg is an absolutely fantastic app- simple, yet full of surprises! A brilliant, wonderful and surprisingly large digital library collection and endless resource center for any type of information you could need or want, no matter what your level of study, from elementary or collegiate academic! This app is almost like a small town library in and of itself! Full of classic book titles, literature and many other written works both well-known and lesser! Each and every title available in Guttenberg app is a full and complete digitally formatted and transcribed copy of it's original printed edition. These digital ebook editions are completely verbatim, word for word, to their specific original print edition source and also include graphic details native to the work such as pictures, illustrations, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. that is fully searchable and also FREE to DOWNLOAD for personall use! The Guttonberg digitized ebooks are also impressive too with sleek and simple, yet elegant and professional interior formatting that doesn't take up a lot of space on your device either! Give Guttonberg a chance! You won't regret it! :)

Mig. S. Oct 31, 2018     

I came across the Gutenberg project a while back and I thought it was a great initiative from everyone involved. Now in this format is available to all android users. Now is better than ever!! I would recommend this app to all who like to read classic books available to everyone in an electronic format in a click away distance. Something that was not possible before.

Ana. D. May 1, 2019     

Good app with lots of free books, but one major flaw is that it doesn't allow swiping through pages! I can only move the page up and down, which is really annoying after a while. Also, it takes forever to load the content, so I lose patience and close the app

Joh. F. Jul 9, 2019     

Definitely one of the better apps I've found for accessing Gutenberg texts from my phone. While there are others that integrate services like Librivox for an all-in-one experience, they frequently run rather poorly. This app does its job and makes the catalog fairly easy to search.

Hel. T. Jun 24, 2019     

Please note that I appreciate the Gutenberg books. However, as for the android app, I cannot use it, as I was unable to find a way to turn pages. Swiping in any direction does nothing. Pulling the place marker will advance some 10 pages at a time. Also Greek is not covered, as there is no entry GR in searching and the Greek book titles appear as "&". I had to go to the Gutenberg site to search for books in Greek. Perhaps when the bugs are fixed, it will be usable.

A. G. u. Oct 12, 2018     

Some of the books are difficult to navigate through, requiring scrolling all the way through each time. Also when a book is exited or the app is closed when you return back to the book it doesn't open from where you left off, which would be helpful

K.O. S. Aug 15, 2019     

Clunky to maneuver and can't actually read the books once they're opened. No amount of swiping, tapping, or button pushing allows me to move between pages or even open the settings. You're better off downloading books from the GP website and adding them to a proper e-reader.

A. G. u. Feb 11, 2019     

Fantastic source of literature. Makes it easy to work on my reading bucket list without spending anything. Clean and straightforward interface, but runs a bit slow on older devices (I use it on my tablet from 2013/14 and find the loading can sometimes take a while)

S. M. Apr 9, 2019     

Gutenberg is a brilliant resource and was one I was very greatful for as an English student. The app is clear and simple, sparing us of the over complicated extras that are so regularly pushed upon us. My only complaints would be that the books have no description and the pushing to making people review which would definitely dissuade some from continued app use.

Tay. P. Apr 11, 2019     

love this app! sometimes the main page and search engine stop working and you get a perpetual loading screen, but restarting the app works just fine to counteract that. that one minor inconvenience is far outweighed by the amazing selection of books!!

A. G. u. Mar 5, 2019     

It is a good idea for reviving classics, my favorite being the Book of War. However, the download limit is a little restricting. It's a great app, and indeed it is effectively forgotten for many of the multitudes of millenials, but it is a good app nevertheless.

Cha. W. Jun 15, 2019     

Love all the books but I wish you would put in pictures from original books if you do I will rate this app a 5 or even a 10 if I could. Thank you. i was wrong in thinking this app would be great with pictures and it's good but the app when reading a book it won't let me scroll down or up it just locks up. Please fix this as it is worse than the no pictures