• Halilintar Songs Collection 1
  • Halilintar Songs Collection 2

Halilintar Songs Collection

The Halilintar gene is the nickname of the Indonesian people for the Anofial Asmid (father) and Lenggogeni Faruk (mandeh) Halilintar couple (Pun) and punyo sabaleh urang anak. Kaluarga asa Minangkabau iko became tanamo after the mandeh manulih the book entitled Untitled Gen Halilintar: My Family My Team pado early 2015. Books that are much in demand by the public iko bacarito challenge the urang partner nan bakarajo sabagai businessmen jo the misfortune of the Halilintar Genes business: 120 nagaro mambaok mambaok their children's sarato without being accompanied by an assistant or assistant.

Category : Music & Audio

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