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Health Tracking - Pow Health

One health app to replace them all! This app contains over 300 health trackers to help you monitor yourself or the people you care for. As featured in the Financial Times.
TIP: Use alongside the free Pow Health website where you can record your full personal medical history and share it easily with doctors
- so you're always in control.


- 100s of health trackers including lab test trackers (switch on/off trackers at any time)
- Beautiful charts to view progress
- Set goals or targets that you want to achieve (appears as goal line in charts)
- Manage multiple accounts centrally (for you and your family or people you care for)
- Synchronized with your free Pow Health website account, at http://www.powhealth.com
- Creating a new account in the app automatically registers you on the website
- Capture private notes


Information you record on your app is automatically updated to your website account (automatically created for new users). You can then print this out in a beautiful document, or download it and share it with your doctor.


We are supported by leading organizations, such as Bowel Cancer UK, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Cardiomyopathy Association, Child Growth Foundation, Epilepsy Society, Heart UK, MS Ireland, Myeloma UK, Pancreatic Cancer UK, Sickle Cell Society, Target Ovarian Cancer, Turner Syndrome Society.


- Asthma (Peak Flow, FEV1, Location, Triggers, Events)
- FEV1 (Asthma)
- Absenteeism (track days off school, activities or work due to an illness)
- Back Pain (pain area, pain intensity, impact of medication)
- Bladder Tracker (pain, urgency, flow description)
- Blood Glucose (Diabetes
- record glucose readings and reading times)
- Blood Oxygen (SP02)
- Blood Pressure (systolic, diastolic and pulse readings)
- Bowel Tracking (pain, urgency, events, description)
- Carbohydrates (grams consumed each day)
- Eczema Flare-ups (location, severity, triggers)
- Endometriosis (pain, symptoms, events)
- Energy (energy levels throughout the day)
- Ketones (track ketone levels)
- Multiple sclerosis symptoms
- Nutrition (calories, protein, carbohydrates, sugars, fat, saturated fat, fiber, salt, sodium)
- Overall Health (How do you feel about your overall health on a daily basis)
- Peak Flow (Asthma)
- Protein
- Pulse Oximetry (Blood oxygen
- SpO2 and pulse rate)
- Seizure Tracker (Epilepsy tracker with seizure type, duration, recovery time, triggers, warning signs)
- Temperature (outside/inside temp changes)
- Timed 25-ft Walk (Multiple sclerosis)
- Weight (track your weight and set goals)


- Activity & Sports (58 activities to choose from, including walking, Pilates or kayaking, workout intensity, duration, distance, heart rate)
- Alcohol intake (alcohol unit intake)
- Blood Pressure (systolic, diastolic and pulse readings)
- BMI (weight and height)
- Body Temperature (degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit)
- Bowel Tracking (pain, urgency, events, description)
- Calories
- Carbohydrates (grams consumed each day)
- Energy (track energy levels throughout the day)
- Heart Rate
- Nutrition (simple)
- Nutrition (advanced)
- Pulse Rate
- Sleep
- Smoking (cigarettes)
- Stress
- Waist & Hip
- Weight (track your weight and set goals)
- Working Hours


- Absenteeism (Track days off school, activities or work due to an illness)
- Baby diaper change (when, type, consistency)
- Baby feeding (solids)
- Baby Growth (height, weight, head circumference)
- Baby Nursing / Milk (duration, method, events)
- Baby Sleeping (duration, location)
- Height
- Menstruation
- Nutrition (simple)
- Nutrition (advanced)
- Ovulation
- Ovulation pain
- Sleep
- TV, Computer, Games (time spent)


Connected devices will automatically appear in your app. N.B. You need to connect devices through the website, at http://www.powhealth.com


Over 300 common lab tests where you can enter your results and record your history.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (16)

Mar. R. Aug 25, 2016     

Was never able to log in to app. Was sent an ambiguous password that was never accepted. Just FYI - if you're going to assign passwords, ALWAYS exclude l and I, O and 0.

Sus. A. Jun 15, 2017     

Can't log into it. Kept getting error messages. Its to bad probably would have been a cool app

Far. A. Feb 19, 2017     

Great App. I can manage all of my health, excercises and nutrition. I also can manage health of my whole family. My favourite thing is the way you can get your health record with timeline. There are many features which I like to use on website.

Kar. H. May 16, 2017     

It was great, but... I have to log in EVERY time I use it, and now I can't log in at all. Hasn't been updated in well over a year. Truly sad because it showed promise... But now I can't access MY health information. Uninstalling.

Bra. A. Apr 26, 2016     

Just signed up. No matter what I try to do, the app comes back with the message "Specified cast is not valid."

Ped. C. Dec 21, 2015     

It's something I've been waiting for and a great improvement from anything else I've found out there!

Mer. T. Jul 22, 2015     

There's been a tremendous effort in trying to get this incredible App to work with numerous mobile platforms notwithstanding nothing seems to fix the pop up/pop off issue I continue to experience. I'm truly loss for words ... like a new date that just didn't work. Thanks for the high, but I must go ... there's got to be another good app out here that will work for me!

Jil. P. Jul 24, 2015     

I got into the app. It asked me to reset the password. App closed and I can't open the App. I uninstall and reinstall. Same issue. On Note 3. Make an App that actually "opens" and is usable, that would be AWESOME and worthy of 5 stars. Keep working..... I FOLLOWED YOUR REPLY.....STILL DOES NOT WORK. STILL GLITCHES/WON'T OPEN! WOULD BE AWESOME IF IT WORKED

Fai. Q. Aug 3, 2015     

Opens then closes. I think this could be a good application but can't get into it.

Jen. K. Jan 25, 2015     

Still no connectivity with fitness trackers like fitbit & iChoice. Can be the perfect health and fitness app if this was included.

Hea. H. Jan 26, 2015     

No matter what date/time i input, every entry is recorded as 01/01/2001. Can't find any settings to change this. I'm REALLY disappointed because this was exactly what i was looking for

Ste. M. Nov 21, 2014     

The only app out there that comes close to a usable personal health record

Lau. C. Apr 18, 2015     

Worked fine for first few minutes then had problems connecting and kept randomly closing. Eventually it wouldn't open at all. Useless app.

Dan. W. Feb 17, 2016     

Was a bit annoyed when entering my profile that metric was only option but figured I could deal with that as I need an app like this. However, this app is useless as I now cannot open it (like so many others) on my LG V10

Tri. M. Jun 18, 2015     

This would be very close to the ideal app I've been searching for, however it keeps closing every time I try to open it regardless of uninstalling and reinstalling. I would give it a 5 if it would actually open.

Jay. V. Jul 23, 2015     

Installed fine... Registered and then won't connect to service. Now app won't even launch. Too bad!