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HN CitiPages

* The HN Citipages app primarily connects users to their cities/towns/townships/areas and its people, automatically, using geo technology, without one having to add users or follow users to see activity in timeline.

* HN Citipages also allows users to explore other cities/areas in their respective countries and cities/areas around the world through categorised posts using the unique "Visit city" option.

* These are the posting categories; random posts, positive thoughts, talent, culture, news and emergencies.

* The "Visit country" feature found in the app allows users to explore all posts from their respective countries in a single page or visit other countries around the world.

* The "Visit world" feature allows users to explore all the posts by users from the world at large in a single page as well.

* HN Citipages is beyond a social media app, it's an online world that promotes the shift towards the enlightened generation, it promotes talent/hustle, culture (which is beyond religion) and more.

* The app is a meaningful online world that everyone has been fantasising about that does not only connect people but gives direction to the masses.

* The first full version, version that will follow, will have emojis, notifications, DMs and video uploads. This version, Intro Version, is here to allow users to experience the core of the app, what makes HN Citipages unique from all social media platforms in the world without any gimmicks, typical app features. It's an introduction to the future, the 2020s.

Category : Social

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Reviews (28)

Eri. M. Oct 6, 2020     

Wanted to try it, but as soon as I installed it it wouldn't get past registration. It'll open the sign in page, and automatically close itself.

Aya. T. T. Oct 6, 2020     

bro please update it as soon as possible....city and country buttons are not working you were so rushed to publish this app and secondly your app doesn't terminate for us to exit the app we must press home button.... Please resolve these issues quick

Thu. A. Oct 9, 2020     

Country and City text box or drop down not functioning. It does not allow you enter or select thus resulting in not being able to register as those are mandatory fields.

Ali. C. Sep 6, 2019     

The app is very nice. Especially the talent section. I have use it alot of times to show Wat I do to the world.

Tho. P. May 22, 2020     

Beautiful app, it opens a world of possibilities... Love it love it love it!!!!

Mos. M. Mar 2, 2021     

The app is not running...it keeps on closing itself, everytime I try to open it

car. s. Feb 6, 2020     

Its beautiful❀️, I love it. Still learning how to navigate through it but it sure is a great app

har. s. Oct 10, 2020     

When uploading the Pic the upload Pic pop up keeping popping up can't complete registration, this is a bad app honestly

Nts. G. Oct 1, 2019     

This app is too out of this world, very unique and easy to use. Loving it!!

Lef. S. Mar 4, 2020     

M struggling with the sign up process. I did everything and I uploaded the pic but it keeps telling me to, over and overπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜’ How do I pass that...?πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Zuk. M. Jan 27, 2021     

I love it,it's unique,safe and a great tool to have.

Yon. T. Aug 24, 2020     

It's amazing and easy to use Power Africa Power βœŠπŸ™

Sin. M. Oct 5, 2020     

Patiently waiting for emojis... But it's a great app 😊

Zan. M. Sep 13, 2019     

What a great social media platform to have people from all around the world together.I'm loving it.πŸ‘ŒπŸ’“πŸ˜˜

Chr. A. Mar 1, 2020     

Unable to complete sign up as no option is given to select my country.

Mth. M. Oct 10, 2020     

Work on your app brother.. I couldn't register bcz the city n country feilds are disabled

Qha. K. Sep 8, 2019     

Such a creative way to connect people!! Love the app

Eza. T. Sep 30, 2020     

I just downloaded the app, I have hope in it, I like the fact that the developer is a WSU alumni

Zuk. Z. Sep 28, 2020     

Great app is really great for networking

SAB. Oct 10, 2020     

City and country not working

Tha. M. Mar 1, 2020     

This app does not give option of selecting your country πŸ˜₯

Non. M. Oct 12, 2020     

Unable to register

The. N. Oct 8, 2020     

It is a great app and I enjoy using it

Ter. P. Oct 16, 2020     

Okay this app is coooolio...big ups!

Nts. R. Sep 10, 2019     

I love this app...❀

Ban. K. Mar 8, 2020     

Still learning the app

Sth. Z. Jan 26, 2022     

Never used it

kat. h. Oct 5, 2020     

Love it.