• HorseSYNC 1
  • HorseSYNC 2


HorseSYNC is a mobile app for GlobalVetLINK (GVL®) users which allows them to gather horse information, including photos and details such as age, breed, gender and color. It allows users to quickly and easily capture and organize horse photos for later use in GlobalVetLINK applications including EquusLINK (Digital EIA/Coggins Certificates) and HealthLINK (Digital Certificates of Veterinary Inspection).

GlobalVetLINK (GVL®) was founded in 2001 and is the nation's leader in digital animal health records, providing intuitive online certification solutions that enable animal health practitioners to quickly and accurately create professional health records. Their services embrace both companion and food animal where animal health practitioners and their clients can manage their records at any time and from anywhere with Internet access. The GVL® system uniquely connects veterinarians, animal owners, animal diagnostic laboratories, industry partners, and government officials to improve overall animal wellness and safety. GlobalVetLINK services support animal health practitioners to establish protocols that will help improve their business in all aspects including saving money and time.

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (6)

Mau. B. Jan 13, 2022     

I would give this app no stars if possible. I did over 30 Coggins in the past two days. When I went to upload the horses to gvl, over half of them are missing randomly. The pictures are on my camera roll and I know that the horses were saved, however there is no way to tell which horses which. That is why I used the app. I will have to go back to the farm and and redo all the pictures. Be wary of this app.

Vir. C. Apr 15, 2022     

Wouldn't let me login. Message said only vets can login?

A. G. u. Jun 28, 2018     

App works well to add new horses. However improvements that should be made include having the owner information included, body markings, and additional tests/treatments available in the app. Also, better sync with online global vet link would be great

A. G. u. Mar 1, 2018     

Great app, but big improvement would be allowing you to save partial horses without a photo so you can arrive as prepared as possible with some info already filled in on horses.

A. G. u. Mar 2, 2016     

Very convenient and easy to upload pictures - eliminates need for paper info sheet and prevents incorrect picture upload. Would be better if it had option to add new owner information at the same time as well

A. G. u. Apr 13, 2016     

Speeds up the process when testing new horses. Doesn't really help with current horses, though.