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Hush Smart Earplugs

This app requires Hush Smart Earplugs. A Bluetooth Low Energy compatible device is required to connect with Hush.
Hush is the World's First Smart Earplug that combine a soothing sound machine with earplugs to block out noise that keeps you at night, whether it's a snoring partner or a loud neighbor. By connecting wirelessly with your smartphone, Hush lets you still hear notifications such as your alarm clock or an emergency phone call. Hush lets you block out the world, but still hear what you need for a truly peaceful sleep.

Learn more about Hush at https://hush.technology

You can purchase Hush at https://hush.technology/store

Have questions or need help? Reach us at [email protected]

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (28)

Dav. B. Jan 3, 2017     

Running an S5 on Android 5.0. Connects quickly and works throughout the night. Gives me the benefit of not only staying asleep, but a private alarm as well! UPDATE: Still works as advertised! If you are in an old version of Android, your Bluetooth connection might be terrible. I still love mine and they are still working great. UPDATE 2: Works great on Android 7.1.1. I'm still on my initial pair of earplugs and they still work great.

Sea. C. Apr 22, 2017     

I have emailed the manufacturer 3x on my technical issue with the earplugs not connecting. They have not returned any of my emails. I have troubleshooted via their web site possible solutions with no positive outcome. This is poor customer service. Unless this is remedied quickly I will not recommend them as i have to my clientele base.

Fen. A. Jan 16, 2017     

The right ear isn't connecting at all, really struggling as I can't continue with the product with one working ear bud. When it is in charge case on it's own, no lights turn on, when in with the other the side with the right ear plug lights up and turns off. Has now paired with phone but status is always disconnected// Thank you Hush for replacing the dud ear piece xx

Mel. M. May 23, 2017     

The concept is outstanding, but the actual product has serious flaws. I work night shift in a hospital, my work week is 7 nights in a row (then 7 off). I recently moved to a busy neighborhood, and could not sleep. When I found out about these, I was so hopeful they would save me: sleep noise machine directly into your ears, while blocking outside noise! They worked great...for about 5 hours, on 20-30% volume level, FAR less than the 8 hour advertised battery life. I emailed Hush customer service & was basically told there's nothing they can do about it, no offer to replace. Last week, the earplugs stopped connecting to the app altogether, which is necessary for the sleep sound operation. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, nothing, they no longer communicate with the app. I've had this product right at a year. I am VERY disappointed, they are very expensive. I was already disappointed with the much shorter than advertised battery life and would've rated this 3 stars, but now that they are completely nonfunctional, I have to say 0. Waste of hope and money.

Joh. S. Dec 22, 2016     

The hardware is OK, but the app has major shortcomings: > Needs to connect to both earplugs to run. So if one didn't charge properly, you can't use one hush earplug and one foam earplug. > App skin is bright white. If you decide to use the earplugs after you've turned out the room lights, suddenly there's a bright light assaulting your eyes, destroying your night vision, and potentially waking someone else in the room. > Masking sound selection is in a fixed order. It should show the uploaded sound first. Instead, you have to scroll sideways to find the uploaded sound. > Duration order is shortest to longest. For night time users, it should be the other way, so that you don't need to scroll sideways to find the duration you want. These are minor things, easy for the app designer to fix. They have ignored my feedback through their website.

A. G. u. Jan 15, 2017     

It does work and when it does, it is amazing. The Bluetooth connection is spotty and battery life is much shorter that it should be. Alarms go off even when turned to the off setting. Good product, but needs some more polish. Nice ap design.

Mic. T. Jan 20, 2017     

Since the latest update I'm unable to connect the ear plugs to my phone. I've been trying to contact support for a week with no reply.

Mat. B. Jan 23, 2017     

Got my second set of plugs many months ago. I have Nexus 5x Android 7.1.1 now plugs can't connect at all. Last time I heard from support was Nov. 2016. Really had it with these things. Even on lowest volume, when they did work, only got about 5 hours. I live in the same city as Hush and can't get them to follow up.

Dri. M. Jul 30, 2017     

I cannot connect it with my galaxy s8

Mag. Z. Aug 10, 2016     

Since upgrading from Droid Turbo 2 to Galaxy S7 Edge I can no longer choose how long the sound plays. I like it to play for 1 hour but it plays all night now. Other than that I love the ear buds. I was told to stop using foam ear plugs at night. These were the answer I was looking for. I'd really like one or 2 choices of light classical music instead of just white noise though.

Tan. D. Jul 25, 2016     

I have had insomnia for years and this works extremely well and I will fall asleep easily but can't turn sound up high or battery will drain super fast. Even with sound on low battery won't last more than 4 or 5 hours. Fix battery and I would give 10 stars but for now paid 3 times what I think it was worth.

A. G. u. Oct 23, 2016     

Unfortunately their is a problem getting updates right now, but the design of this app is great. It is easy to use and is wonderful at helping me rest. I am a military caregiver and we do very little sleeping. These babies have given rest back to me!

Jai. M. Oct 7, 2016     

Problem I love it, but have recently switch my cell phone and now I can't get them to connect! I really need them as I wake up at 2 am

kar. g. Mar 18, 2017     

Loved at first. One month in it lost battery power and stopped connecting. Gave up.

djv. Oct 31, 2016     

Work great but only 4 to 5 hours max. ..which is far to short for a product designed to help keep unwanted noise from bothering a sleeper.

Ant. K. Jul 31, 2016     

I love the idea, but I think buy this or not. Previous people wrote bad things. Then will be new version of device with better battery?

Reb. S. Jul 16, 2016     

As everyone says, battery life is strange. The charging case works on and off. I also wish you didn't have to download every sound if you want to play it. It should just have them downloaded already so you can easily switch from sound to sound. The sounds are on a very short loop and repetitive so you get to memorize what sound is coming and in turn, you're still awake paying attention to that. Other than that, they serve their purpose.

J. S. Jul 16, 2016     

Works quite well, unfortunately the battery doesn't last the night even on low volume. At about 30% volume it dies after about 5 hours. Suggestions to the devs for making the most of the situation: 1) Fade out the sound on low battery instead of cutting out. The sudden cut off can wake me up. 2) Allow a delayed start - noise levels often pickup a few hours later . 3) Add option for to adapt volume (or start sound) based on ambient volume using phone mic.

huz. V. K. Jul 19, 2016     

Loads of different earbuds to find one that fit, could use more music options, works like a charm

Yon. S. S. Jul 16, 2016     

For 150 dollars you expect a quality product, for this I would pay max 30 dollars. Poor battery life, pairing the earbuds take too much time, and the app is awful.

moe. o. Jul 17, 2016     

You have no customer service, u dont care about your customers, I think u were surprised of the many purchases that u didnt know what to do..really amateurs..not real entrepreneurs that would know that customer is king. What business in this world that doesnt reply back to customer emails? Haha i'm surprised that u r still in the market..poor kickstarter supporters..my review is really simple.."IT DOESNT *$%%&$* CONNECT"!!! How can i return this thing?

Gus. B. Jul 6, 2016     

Update: This feature is now a must given the bad battery life. You need to enable a timer to allow the sound to start at a later hour during sleep and/or start and stop a timer for 2 rounds. This way the sound will turn on when we need it later in the night. Right now the sound shuts off when I need it most due to the battery which barely lasts 5 hours no matter the volume I choose.

Ady. A. Jul 8, 2016     

Please never never never never buy this product. Who sleeps at night for 2 to 4 hours. Absolute waste of money. Terrible terrible terrible battery life even when using the lowest volume level. Great idea on paper, but the product does not live up to the false advertising

Cha. H. Jun 27, 2016     

The longer I have this product the worse it gets, and the 5 business day turnaround for support certainly doesn't help.

Ann. P. Jul 4, 2016     

First pair didn't work. They sent replacement. My only complaint now is the short battery life. They tend to die around 4 a.m. :(

Jer. B. Jun 29, 2016     

After waiting months to get these and shelling out 150 dollars I got ear plugs that ran 6 hours a night.Then after 2 weeks the right ear plug randomly won't charge or would hold a very weak charge.4 weeks after that the left one went out completely.A 6 week lifespan?Really?Not worth it for 50 bucks much less 150.

C. B. Jun 17, 2016     

This is one of the worst purchases I've made in a while. If you want something to replace this, get $8 disposable foam earplugs on Amazon, and a clock radio that plays white noise. Those won't leave rubber pieces stuck in your ear, get lost in your bedding, or run out of battery and ignore your set alarm.

A. G. u. Jun 5, 2016     

I'm loving these so far. My only complaint is the device updates, is there a way to have the device update on the next time it is connected to the phone? When the device updates the Hush alarm does not ring. It's a good thing I have been using a second alarm to make sure I wake up.