• ICU Cardiac Drug FX 1
  • ICU Cardiac Drug FX 2

ICU Cardiac Drug FX

A very simple cardiac effect drug card for nurses. It show how these drugs affect blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance, heart rate, cardiac output and cardiac index. The drugs listed are Dopamine, Epinephrine, Levophed, Neosynephrine, Nipride, Primacor and Vasopressin. What this app is: a quick reference...one page...there is no functionality, just the info you need. What it isn't: a bloated app that has lots of buttons and pages of info to sift through.
UPDATE...Dobutamine has been added to this reference. I have removed the cardiac index, and added central venous pressure.

Category : Medical

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Reviews (2)

J. C. Jan 23, 2017     

Just a quick reference. Nothing special

Dr. I. Dec 4, 2016     

Need re evaluation and new topics too.