• IEC 1
  • IEC 2


This is the Official Mobile App for the International Executive Council.

The International Executive Council (IEC) offers its members exclusive global networking and educational benefits that can greatly further professional and personal growth in those who share a passion for technological innovations, and who desire to leverage those relationships, knowledge and innovations to leave a lasting legacy for our world.

The IEC comprises a highly diverse group of the passionate business leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators representing many industry sectors and geographic regions. Our roots extend from the Internet Marketing Association (IMA), which has a 20+ year history and an established global network of more than 1 million professionals members. We focus on delivering value and awareness in the following key areas: Networking, Innovation, Digital Marketing, Personal & Professional Growth, and Global Impact.

Apply to join the IEC: https://imanetwork.org/iec/

Category : Productivity

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