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Intencje.pl is an application thanks to which:

- you will add your request for prayer,
- you will pray for the intentions of those who want your prayer,
- you will learn the prayer book, lexicon of Saints, Holy Bible and current Catholic articles.

Join an ever-growing group of people around the world. We want to accompany You on our way to Heaven, strengthening each other in faith, hope and love. We believe the words of Jesus Christ "(...) where there are two or three gathered in my name, there I am among them (Mt 18, 19-20)" creating together a space called the "Platform of Spiritual Communication"

Thanks to the cooperation with the Small Stawki Foundation, Fr. By Tomasz Kancelarczyk and the Prayer Window of Life, the intentions added in our app are sent every week to the religious congregations that collaborate with us, who intercede for us before the Blessed Sacrament.

What's new in the application:

Prayer book

- a constantly updated prayer book containing thematic prayers, litany, nudes, novena
- for each of the prayers, a list of thematically themed: intentions, saints and articles


- a constantly updated list of CVs of Saints of the Catholic Church
- a list of intentions that the chosen saint patronizes next to each biography


- reading from the Holy Bible for each day with a commentary
- detailed information about the holidays of the Catholic Church falling on a given day


- valuable articles and videos
- a list of thematically suited to each article: intentions, saints and prayers


- information on user activity, their prayers, thanks and changes in the profile
- the ability to filter a specific type of activity


- list of application users
- possibility of sorting according to the alphabet, activity, time of creating an account


- prayers, intentions, articles, silhouettes of saints divided thematically
- the ability to learn about selected content according to your interests


- about prayers for your intentions
- new articles and certificates
- thanks for your prayer
- new people from your parish


- user profiles with information about their activity and their intentions


- testimonies of users who have received special graces through prayer
- the opportunity to share your own testimony

Category : Social

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