• Invocation (Mantras for Japa) 1
  • Invocation (Mantras for Japa) 2
  • Invocation (Mantras for Japa) 3

Invocation (Mantras for Japa)

A Japa Mala application which will be very useful at times when your real Japa Mala is not with you. It lets you chant mantras to the number of times you select. If you wish any Mantra for your Ringtone you may select that too. Surprisingly you may get sometimes that Mantra as RingtoneThis application contains 11 Mantras and three variations of Japa methods, as an offering to The Mother and Sri Aurobindo:1. Sri Aurobindo’s Gayatri Mantra: Om Tat Savitur Varam Rupam, Jyoti Parasya Dhimahi Yannah Satyena Dipayet. [Tat = That, Savitur = Sun-god who is the Creator, Varam = most auspicious, Rupam = form, Jyotih = Light, Parasya = of the Lord (since para = Transcendental), Dhimahi = meditate on (since Dhi = Intellect), Yannah = by which, Satyena = Truth, Dipayet = illumine (dipa = light) ]2. Om Namo Bhagvate :OM—I implore the Supreme Lord.NAMO—Obeisance to Him.BHAGAVATE—Make me divine.
- Words of the Mother (19 March 1973)3. Om Anandamayi Chaitanyamayi Satyamayi Parame 4. Sri Aravindaya Namah 5. Sri Aurobindo Mama Sharanam6. Om Satyam Jnanam Jyotir Aravinda7. Om Namo Namah Mirambikayei 8. Om bhagwate Sri Mirra 9. Ya Devi sarva 10. Sarva manglam Sri Aurobindo 11. Asto ma sat
Instructions: Select one of the Japa method from the following: 1. A Japa Mala (Rosary)
- Once selected this select the no of Mala and no of Beads in each Mala. Then you click start Button. As an extra help you may click Total counts for number of Beads to know how many times you are going to recite the Mantra.2. A time based Japa
- Once selected, Select the duration you wish to repeat the mantra and then click start Button. If you want to stop in between click Stop Button and Application will stop.3. Silent Meditation Timer
- Once selected you select the Time you wish to do Meditation and then Click the Start Button . Once time is over you will be informed by sounding a mantra. If you want to stop in between click Stop Button and Application will stop.

Sri Aurobindo on Mantra in Savitri : As when the mantra sinks in Yoga’s ear,Its message enters stirring the blind brainAnd keeps in the dim ignorant cells its soundThe hearer understands a form of wordsAnd, musing on the index thought it holds,He strives to read it with the labouring mind,But finds bright hints, not the embodied truth:Then, falling silent in himself to knowHe meets the deeper listening of his soul:The Word repeats itself in rhythmic strains:Thought, vision, feeling, sense, the body’s selfAre seized unulterably and he enduresAn ecstasy and an immortal change;He feels a Wideness and becomes a Power,All knowledge rushes on him like a sea:Transmuted by the white spiritual rayHe walks in naked heavens of joy and calm,Sees the God-face and hears transcendent speech.
- Savitri, Book IV, Canto 3

Mother on Mantra: Nobody can give you the true mantra. It’s not something that is given; it’s something that wells up from within. It must spring from within all of a sudden, spontaneously, like a profound, intense need of your being – then it has power, because it’s not something that comes from outside, it’s your very own cry.

I saw, in my case, that my mantra has the power of immortality; whatever happens, if it is uttered, it’s the Supreme that has the upper hand, it’s no longer the lower law. And the words are irrelevant, they may not have any meaning – to someone else, my mantra is meaningless, but to me it’s full, packed with meaning. And effective, because it’s my cry, the intense aspiration of my whole being.

Tags: Gayatri Sacred Sri Aurobindo Mother Pondicherry sri aurobindo ashram moola Stotram Sanskrit Meditation Divine mantra music app application chanting Gayathri Spiritual Mantra

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (3)

Pri. Jan 26, 2016     

Wonderful contribution. Listening in silent atmosphere, I had mental peace & will continue ever. Thank you

Chi. K. Apr 17, 2014     

Best app for mother that u can ever get in android market.

DR.. B. K. Jan 24, 2015     

No continuity between repeatitions