• Japanese Sentence Master 1
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  • Japanese Sentence Master 4

Japanese Sentence Master

Japanese Sentence Master: Learn to speak Japanese with thousands of most common sentences in daily life.
Memorizing phrases is a really powerful tool to help you learn advanced Japanese quickly.
If you master just one common Japanese phrase or sentence pattern, you can make hundreds of correct sentences. This is the easiest way to make sentences in Japanese.

The app provided you with thousands of common sentences used in everyday life, with audio for each sentence.
All the app's features are designed to help you learn to make Japanese sentence and improve the main skills: Listening to a sentence, writing (making) a sentence correctly, speaking a sentence/a phrase correctly.

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Category : Education

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Reviews (12)

hik. s. Feb 10, 2022     

I like how the sentences are organized per topic, however the practice test is annoying. Whenever I tap on a word to correct my sentence, it removes all the arranged words so I have to redo everything.

ab. c. May 9, 2022     

This app has the same feature for sentence construction like Duolingo has - but here with native speakers. So I can recommend it to people to whom pronounciation is important. 👍

Nev. D. Sep 4, 2021     

Looks like it will be useful for me if only it hid the translations and romaji until I tap to show them when I need them - per sentence. Turning all the translations on and off and not being able to turn off the romaji means I have to scroll in such a way as to only show the Japanese at the bottom of the screen, then the font size buttons are in the way. They are in the settings and not something people should need to change often. Btw, I can't see any effect of hide sentence content partially.

Mon. T. Apr 16, 2020     

Would give 5 stars for more advanced examples (or a choice of an advanced level) and an option to use kanji in quizzes. At the moment app is really suitable for beginners and lower intermediate students but I'd love it, if it had more advanced examples x

Jua. F. Sep 1, 2019     

Updating my review: I spent a good part of my day using this app, and it's great! You see, and can hear the sentence. If you don't understand what is said, clicking a button will direct you to google translate in hirigana and romaji. This is a very useful app! Thank you!

Joh. B. Nov 21, 2019     

All of the sentences are legitimate. If I saw errors, I already forgot them. It is a useful way of practicing/remembering Japanese, and it has been useful in reviewing the Korean forms of the same sentences.

Chr. W. Jan 5, 2022     

Sorry have to give 3 star, due to many mistake. Also I can't edit to fix :(

Sco. P. Sep 17, 2021     

Would be nice to have the option for furigana instead of romaji for better katakana / hiragana practice.

Pla. P. Apr 16, 2022     

Excellent, whoever made this I LOVE YOU.

Pee. G. Jan 27, 2021     

Gr8 for expanding your vocabulary and sentence structure

Pea. l. Sep 4, 2020     

it helping more for my japanese learning.

Cha. D. D. Aug 1, 2021     

This is really helpful for my journey! This is best. NGL