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Javascript Libraries Catalog

This App needs Active Internet Connection for it to be used. The offline support will be added in future releases.
Javascript Libraries Catalog list 40+(and counting..) Javascript libraries for Mobile Game development, mobile UI development etc.

Some of the famous libraries for mobile app development like jQueryMobile, Sencha Touch, JQTouch are listed in the snapshot. This app provides information such as

1. Website2. Description3. Software License4. Usage

and much MORE to come soon.

Whom is this App for? This App is for everyone who is1. Mobile App developer.2. Beginner in mobile App development.3. Web programmer.4. Game programmer.5. Javascript Developer.

Where do I use it?1. It can be used before starting to develop a new game.for example, I want to start developing a new game and I need to research on libraries that are available, the devices which support those libraries, what is the software distribution license etc.

2. It can be used to develop powerful mobile web apps.for example, I want to make use of elegant UI and sleek design with Native Look & Feel(LAF)

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Category : Productivity

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Reviews (3)

Rre. W. Oct 26, 2014     

Best web took

Can. Y. Mar 22, 2018     

App didn't let me to choose any library unlike the image on the play store screenshots. Useless... Uninstalled..

A. G. u. Aug 22, 2012     

Thanks, this is a nice little catalog of libraries. I can tell it is actually made with phonegap or a similar alternative because it definitely has a web app feel, and reloads the main page evey time you press back. Which is pretty appropriate considering this is mostly about mobile frameworks. I learned of many I never knew of, but it would be really nice if you added a bunch more. Your missing a lot. I could think of a lot of improvements, like categories, non mobile libraries, maybe more descriptive?