• Kriptograf 1
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  • Kriptograf 3
  • Kriptograf 4


Cryptography will ask you a single question. Be the first to know the answer to the question, win the prize. Real question, real money. Cryptography asks the question in the form of video hints. You'll have to follow at least the first 4 tips to find the answer. Participation in cryptography is free. If you give the wrong answer to the question, you can buy Extra Reply Right at any time. Also, Extra Tips will be published in the following days. Don't miss them, because every new tip will bring you closer to the answer. Turkey's competition information based on the first video tips for immediate download, you can also join this awesome experience. Don't forget, you're not supposed to make a typo when you write the answer.

Category : Trivia

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Reviews (1)

A. G. u. Sep 14, 2019     

Clues are very general and point to multiple things. The application wants you to write the exact answer string, otherwise, even though you guessed correctly, it won't work. Money trap and bad programming