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KTG Eğitim

KTG Education can solve our mobile app with Turkey's most effective online testing portal located quickly reach any questions. Our system is divided into all questions based on the subject. In our system, you can find general evaluation tests and exam questions in the past years. You can view the correct number, incorrect number, number of questions left, and test score in the solved tests. You can see how many of our subject-based portal members are in the Test analysis section. You can view the tests you have received under 70 points and the tests you have received above 70 points in green. Thus, you can easily see what you need to work with our status evaluation module. You will have the opportunity to focus on the weak ones.

Customs and Foreign Trade Trainings: You can also view all our trainings and make your training records in our application.

Customs Book; You can review and purchase publications for Customs and Foreign Trade Legislation and Customs Exams.

News & Articles; News and articles published on Customs and Foreign Trade Legislation can be found in our application.

Category : Education

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