• KXL FM News 1
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KXL is Portland’s breaking news, weather and traffic source! Wake up to and commute with us every morning. Stay connected to the world at work every day. Get the latest on the day’s events on your way home by lisetening to the live broadcast or pulling up a podcast. With the latest version of FM News 101 KXL Radio App you can feed your appetite for the best that FM News 101 KXL has to offer.
Just download and open your FM News 101 KXL Radio App to get a live feed of what’s playing, and everything else that’s played over the past hour. You can tap an item in the feed for details. Then, interact with great features like:

Follow news storiesGet special offersEnter contests And more.

You decide when you want to listen, and when you want to browse by turning the live stream off or on within the app. Get what you want off the radio with the latest FM News 101 KXL Radio App.

Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software, which may allow you to contribute to market research like Nielsen's TV Ratings. To learn more about Nielsen’s digital measurement products and your choices in regard to them, please visit http://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy

Category : Music & Audio

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Reviews (23)

Met. R. Jan 22, 2019     

If this is the offical app, why for years it constantly just stops. Its so frustrating when I miss out on key moments or funny stories in talk radio due to app just stopping, and I need to relaunch app. Only here because next radio doesnt stream.

lio. Jan 4, 2022     

I guess this app doesn't work no more all i get is a white screen rotating circle you guys planning on updating this and getting back to work or did you guys abandon it

Wol. G. J. Jan 8, 2020     

Like everyone said it just stops. Great new station and everything but you can't keep up because it's always stopping.

Pin. D. Dec 19, 2019     

Keeps shutting down fix it!!

ste. n. Apr 11, 2018     

thought the update was better but the app crashes every 10-15 minuets. Really like steaming the station. Please fix your update.

A. G. u. Apr 12, 2018     

It's shuts down when the screen goes dark. Not recommended

Ama. E. S. Apr 8, 2018     

Upgraded from 5 stars to 1, would be zero. Was my favorite app until it upgraded, now it doesnt stream. I used it every night (m-f) from about 6 pm to 2 am while at work to stream the news and Clyde Lewis. Please fix streaming! On here it says my review is for an older version but when it quit working i uninstalled and reinstalled so its the newest version!

Kre. A. May 4, 2018     

App stops streaming every 10 minutes and doesn't resume without opening the app and hitting play , app has no widget either so have to unlock phone to access app

Dav. E. Jun 11, 2018     

Crashes constantly. Always has. I have had this app across 5 different phones over the years. Updates don't matter. Awesome station. Horrendous app.

Top. M. May 25, 2018     

App keeps stopping itself, which is absolutely ridiculous for a streaming app. Get your stuff together.

A. G. u. May 31, 2018     

Used to use it all the time. Just needed to be able to stream the audio. Now it has lots of options but no streaming option. App is now totally useless. Thanks developers for taking what was a good app and totally f***info it up.

Pre. S. Apr 4, 2018     

This used to be a good app until the update. The play button has disappeared and they can't seem to find a fix, so im out.

Jos. S. Apr 3, 2018     

Really janky app. Works only some of the time. If it does work it takes like 10 min to start up. Don't bother with it. Thats not including all the innocuous commercials they play.

car. Jun 19, 2018     

The latest update will not even install. Downloads then aborts install.

Rob. M. Feb 20, 2018     

This app USED to be great, but now doesn't work at all after a recent upgrade. Radio feature doesn't work so it's totally useless to me.

Ale. B. May 12, 2018     

Please fix. Since the last update it won't play anything!!!

Max. S. Mar 7, 2018     

The app was great before the recent update occasionally cuts out but always came back this new app cuts out every 5 min and I have to restart the damn thing just to reconnect to the station

Cla. B. Apr 12, 2018     

Worked fine before the 'update' - Now it stops upon launch...

Al. K. Jun 21, 2018     

A) this app won't update. & B) why do you need full access to my phone?

Bar. S. May 24, 2018     

Won't even start a stream

tay. w. Sep 26, 2017     

Frequint audio cut outs/ freezes. And the added benefit of EVEN MORE ADVERTISING! Must watch a YouTube style advertisement when opening the app on top of the already rediculous amount of ads on the radio... I want it to be known that I have not and will not consider whatever useless products you continue to try and cram down my throat. It's a glorified advertisement application that happens to play one radio station, the wonders of technology, now you get twice the advertisements with half the content 👍💩

Joh. V. Aug 1, 2017     

Sometimes it works.

Jon. S. May 16, 2017     

Constantly shuts down this app is horible dont use its broken