• La Celestial FM 106.7 1
  • La Celestial FM 106.7 2

La Celestial FM 106.7

6105 Fayetteville Rd.
Raleigh NC 27603
(919) 345-9018
What is Radio 106.7 FM The Celestial

It is completely run by volunteers.
This station serves the community with music, Christian news and exchange ideas.
WSMU is different from commercial radio.
We exist to help improve
integrated community.
Everyone is invited to participate in WSMU.
You can do this in several ways: by making a donation, sponsoring a program, announcing events and other forms, etc. Our radio does not have a business line or radio marathon will collect money, but it will be a radio to be held by donations voluntary.
Heavenly 106.7 FM is a radio with a Christ-centered doctrinal line and our main task is evangelization, preparing the way in repentance, holiness, love, justice and truth for the imminent return of the Son of God
for its iglesia.¿Cómo can support Radio "The Celestial FM 106.7"?
WSMU needs you. Your support keeps us out air
twenty four hours, seven days a week.
Can you help us:
• Through financial donations,
Your donations help pay expenses proper to the station.
• Sponsoring. You can financially support a program
specific to this radio. To sponsor a program, contact the Rev.
Wilson Mateo Tel. (919) 345-9018.
To make your donation, you can bring it in person or send a check payable to
 "Sermon on the Mount".
6105 Fayetteville Rd. Raleigh NC 27603.
 Your donation is deductible from your impuestos.¿Puedo cooperate As a volunteer
Radio "The Celestial FM 106.7"?
There are many opportunities for volunteer work at the station, both bilingual and for people who are learning English.
Some of these opportunities are:
• Talk to the community about WSMU at community events.
• Communicate with the press about events in WSMU
• Maintenance station on the internet site.
• Prepare flyers, etc.
• The fundraising: looking for sponsors, maintaining communication with donors.
Advertising Packages
1- The value of donations is calculated in hours from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm outside these hours all sponsors and programming costs are 15% lower cost.

2- The sponsorship spots will be provided by the sponsors, recorded with excellent voice quality and production. In case you have made the production and recording, the station can do with the voice of our talents. (The content will be provided and approved by the sponsor) who will receive a copy of spot.COSTOS FOR PROGRAMMING

Ask about our financial offer sponsorship of the programs of the station.
Heavenly is a radio that Edifica, Educates, informs and entertains. With a healthy, varied and professional program for the glory of God.
Paving the way to church in repentance, holiness, love, justice and truth, for the prompt return of the Son of God ........

Thanks for being part of this great vision
Pastors Wilson and Elizabeth Mateo

Category : Communication

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