• Ladies Circle 1
  • Ladies Circle 2
  • Ladies Circle 3

Ladies Circle

Ladies Circle is a non-political and non-sectarian organization made up of the wives of members of Round Table.It offers opportunities for serving the community, for fostering and strengthening friendships between like-minded young women and helps create a better understanding of the obligations one owes to the society. The Ladies Circle movement first came to India in 1968. The wives of members of Round Table No. 9 in Coimbatore formed the first Circle. Coimbatore LC 1 received its Charter on 30th August 1969 from the then Round Table India President S.L.Chitale. It was soon followed by Madras LC 2, Calcutta LC 3 and Madras LC 4 all getting chartered in 1970. The National Association of Ladies Circle India was formed in 1970 with four member Circles. At the inaugural meeting of LC India in March 1970, the Constitution and Bye-Laws were adopted and the National Officers were elected. On March 17th 1970, Founder President, LC India Cr. Shashi Gulati received the Charter of affiliation from Ladies Circle International presented by the then LCI President, Cr. Magdelena Nordens Kjold. In September 1970, LC India became a Full member of LC International at the LCI Conference in Denmark.

Category : News & Magazines

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