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Millions of people use Last.fm every day to track the music they listen to from their favourite services and power their music & event recommendations.
Tracking all of the music you listen to via your Android device has never been easier.

This update includes the much requested support of Soundcloud, plus the following services:

- Spotify
- Deezer
- Rdio
- Google Play
- And many more!The app also allows you to:
- View your personal artists, albums and tracks charts
- 'Love' tracks

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Category : Music & Audio

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Reviews (15)

And. S. May 8, 2022     

Would love to keep this around since the features are decent but it drains my phones battery life. I tested it by turning all of it off one day and drastically noticed my phone lasted all day. When I had this app on it drained my phone's battery and barley lasted all day. It's a shame as I'd like to keep it around to share what music I'm listening to with my friends but it's not very friendly with my phone. Sorry had to uninstall.

sta. Jul 7, 2021     

It didn't really meet my expectation. it doesn't easily sync to songs i'm listening to on Spotify. i need to access the app every single time the song changes. the worst part is it doesn't even properly count the songs playback. like i've been listening to 10 different songs, but the app counts them as one same song. please please fix this problem 😓

Mar. I. Aug 2, 2020     

I had lots of trouble with this app. If I don't open the app it won't record the song I'm listening to, constantly having to check if a song has been recorded, if you don't many songs are skipped or a song will be repeated 10+ times. This was very irritating as my friends got the app at the same time as me but it seems to be working fine for them, untrustworthy. If these problems did occur it would have been a good app.

Jas. G. Feb 2, 2019     

3 main complaints: 1 - doesn't start scrobbling automatically when music starts. I have to start the app separately. 2 - it downloaded copies of the album art for ever song to my picture gallery. waste of memory and cluttered my pictures. 3 - notification icon is a minor annoyance as it is, but also won't go away after I stop playing music.

Max. Feb 2, 2020     

The service Last.fm offers is awesome but the app does not do that service justice. The website has all kinds of neat features whereas the app has possibly 10% (if that!). Furthermore, the app works poorly from time to time with artist's scrobble data disappearing from the list and reappearing again. I would love to see them put more work in to the app.

Seb. K. Aug 8, 2021     

This app shouldn't direct you to the Web version at all but it does everytime you want to expand a graph, album, artist, view profile it does. Fix that and its 4/5 stars. The colour scheme, layout ect is perfect. Also missing a bit of functionality that the Web version has like sorting in specific dates. This app could so easily be perfect but I'd rather just use the Web version to stop myself being redirected

Gar. N. Sep 20, 2019     

Love the service hate the app~The app is inconsistent about scrobbling music, especially songs that are 2 mins or less. If you love a song before the song scribbles, then it either doesn't count the scrobble or the love. The recommendations are cool but when you're using an external source like Spotify, it's much easier to dive into obscurity with the service. Really this is just an easier way of going "aw heck what was that earworm of a song I can't remember the name of from a week ago."

Bre. E. Apr 28, 2021     

Overall very good. I enjoy the background scrobbling very much. I wish we could add settings to distinguish between podcasts and music so that hour long podcasts aren't added to my stats. I also wish the app had all the features the website has, like being able to see other accounts. The scrobbling occasionally takes a minute or two to kick in, but generally it's pretty good. Overall, very good app but could use some improvements.

Jos. P. Jun 16, 2019     

Another way to scrobble my streaming music on my phone? Sure. It sounded nice. However, this app is so problematic and glitchy. It constantly gets stuck on a song and there is not an option to refresh or rescan. I find myself restarting my phone to sync up Spotify and this app. Works well only about 30% of the time. Disappointing and frustrating.

Nov. Aug 16, 2021     

It's really barebones right now. You can see stats and a bit more, but if you want to remove scrobbles etc. you have to go to the website. Also, it's completely dysfunctional when it comes to scrobbling while background play is on. If I have for example YouTube Music playing Song A, and I turn my phone off (music still playing), it'll keep scrobbling Song A despite new songs playing. It's annoying to the point I might as well not use it at all, despite me mainly listening to music on my phone.

Cor. L. Jul 16, 2021     

The new update is pretty terrible. The now scrobbling bar is invasive and annoying to get around, especially when you're not currently scrobbling anything. And that's aside from the fact that it comes back every time you go to a new screen. Too many clicks are required to see any specifically desired charts. But mostly that stupid now scrobbling bar needs to go away.

Leg. Jun 2, 2021     

I lile the service of lastfm, but the mobile app is not it. Its pretty slow and basically just a condensed version of the website. The layout is pretty akward on mobile and is often unresponsive to clicks. At the top left hand corner, there is a big red back button that signs me out every time I click. It is very easy to misclick.

Ant. R. Sep 27, 2019     

The app has a song I don't even like and only listened to once stuck at the bottom of the screen at all times and it won't go away even when I delete all the scrobbles and logged out and reset my password. There's no option to make it go away I don't even understand why it's there. Also clicking on any album or song redirects you away from the app and to your web browser. Terrible app.

Est. A. Jan 15, 2019     

I like the app, but these past weeks i've been having problems with the "scrobbling", for example...the other day i heard music for like an hour and the app just made 2 scrobbles, the first two songs...and the settings are ok. Pls, fix this, you people haven't made an update since 17'...come on! I'm waiting maybe another week, if it's not resolved, i'm unnistalling, unfortunately.

Joe. Feb 23, 2021     

I want to love this app so much. And in a lot of aspects, I do. I've got it since December 2018, and it's been great, WHEN it works. I've ran into so much problems by now, it's hard to count. Scrobbles stuck on 1 song, no scrobbles at all, double scrobbles, and more. The concept is great, but it needs a lot of work.