• Lazy Eye Snake 1
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  • Lazy Eye Snake 3

Lazy Eye Snake

App rpovides advanced tratment for ambylopia and lazy eye. Lazy Eye treatmentPlease read the following brief to get a picture about the purposes.

- Lazy eye \Amblyopia is a visual disorder in which the brain partially or wholly ignores input from one eye.

- The popular video game has been found to be effective at treating adult amblyopia, also known as 'lazy eye', according to new research conducted by scientists. (similar to Lazy Eye Blocks)

- Playing the puzzle game requires information to be sent to both eyes, making them work cooperatively.

- By making both eyes cooperate, the amblyopic brain is able to relearn as a result of an increase in the level of plasticity in the brain.

(You must have a two color glass (3D glass) the color is not important because you can adjust the colors in the app as you wish)

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (7)

A. G. u. Jan 10, 2019     

a whole 2 seconds to try the game!! a joke

I. j. w. t. c. Apr 30, 2015     

Take your "trial version" bs and shove it, if you think I'm gonna pay 13 bucks just to be able to play this more than 3 times you're out of your freaking mind.

Fil. Nov 19, 2015     

This one is so much better than a paid version, colors are much easier to choose, the controls are better and there is no annoying music inside. Make this a paid version!

Ste. M. Mar 28, 2016     

Start Button is disabled. No chance to try the game. Won't buy without testing. Too bad. Even trying on a different device does not work. Any support? nope...

Jus. K. Feb 27, 2015     

Take away the mandatory network connection. Really annoying.

bry. l. Aug 8, 2014     

The game is fine but it doesn't work for lazy eyes. The problem is the white background needs to be black to work with the red lens!! otherwise it will just look black instead of red and you will still continue to use your good eye to do all the work. I'm surprised they didn't release this when they made the game! Its pretty basic! Edit- I don't see how it could work I'm using the most common red left eye and blue right eye glasses. What colour do you get if you take blue from red? Its blackblack, not white. So your right eye if it is the dominate eye will see the red as black and hense you still can see the blocks with your good eye. That's why background needs to be black.

Jon. R. Sep 20, 2014     

Lazy eye blocks works when you change background to black, both apps should be black as default and advise users to dim screen to lowest possible, quick fixes guys and move the adverts away from the controls please!